USDAForestService / fs-open-forest-platform

Open Forest: The code for an online permitting platform for the U.S. Forest Service.
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As a researcher, I need to review Icebox stories, so that I can identify any design opportunities for in particular MBS. #945

Closed lisamcmichael closed 5 years ago

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago


Now that MVP Pilot 2019 is mostly complete, the team is ready to identify and prioritize Open Forest enhancements for the upcoming 2020 season.

Acceptance Criteria


Definition of Done

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

Base list of all icebox stories with crib notes

ADMIN MANAGEMENT STORIES • 659 - "request change content" - now TBD on new Admin Tool • 904 - "free use products, to get other permits" (need clarification) • 678 - "admin workflow" - (ask Amber, still relevant?) • 618 - "manage multiple admins" (ask Amber, still relevant?) • 259 - "message should be sent to support team about submit-to-subs error" - when apps are not submitted • 061 - "MBS, informed of NRM shut downs" • 748 - "Reporting" - validate that reporting info is useful to Forest admins

CUSTOMER/USER STORIES • 835 - "add Sno-park logo" (XMAS) • 563 - "calendar selector" - usability findings suggest selector is easier to use • 467 - "PII consent checkbox"
• 371 - "Apply now button, Navigation confusing" • 530 - "application completion time" content - seems ready to go back into development • 670 - "bug/issue user feedback" - Lisa S. created a link in the footer "For help or feedback…" - will that resolve this story? • 393 - "purchase 2 or more permits" - it's not clear if the goal is a "multi-item selector" or something else • 348 - "temp outfitters+ guides need cost estimates" • 532 - "save my live application" - users want to come back and finish it later - needs "PII" decision • 261 - "communicate file upload status to applicants" - Confirmation message or an Error message needed • 566 - "MBS form, add required fields" • 531 - "MBS applicants need upfront info about the app process" - wireframe + design completed; A/B testing, new story created #565, referenced #627 and #530. Comment from PO about usability testing/July 3 - was ready for dev • 400 - "issue entering name and email into permit application" - unclear what is the issue (see scale up RFP) • 399 - "notification of permit approval" - not clear if this is an email notification or SMS • 534 - "applicant's receive what's next info - initial designs attempt to resolve insufficient details; this story has more than one issue w/in it; see 538 • 354 - "link facility rental permitting to Open Forest permitting" - unclear if this is feasible • 620 - see below under engineering- potential UI design for how message displays • 395 - "EPIC about usability concerns" - not one specific story except for reference to #563 (calendar selector)

ENGINEERNG • 280 - "obtain non-comm / temp outfitter permit" - an engineering task • 406 - "past due apps are showing on the expired permit applications page" - design started for MBS, appears to be a "bug" • 551 - "issue accessing staging" - bug noted by Eric / Mike • 152 - "SUDS" issue • 559 - "log in issue for developers" • 344 - "file format refactoring" • 620 - "form field errors" - if user enters info incorrectly, or skips over, platform alerts h/her • 679 - "SUDS" issue • 411 - "SUDS" issue • 820 - "test alt text" Dev story • 768 - "Chrome" dev story

NOT A DESIGN MATTER - 888 - "discovery research plan 2020"

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

Base list is organized to indicate stories with UX design. On Box now: Next: need to look at stories for any user flows

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

I've organized the stories a bit more, so we can see how they may relate to each other. @ASprinkle they're ready for review. And, I moved our meeting to 730 a.m. PT.

On Box now:

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

@carlsonem I'm meeting w/ @ASprinkle after today's stand up to finish reviewing Icebox stories; with that, I'm expecting to move to to Done.

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

@ASprinkle and @lisaredux The updated Icebox story statuses are now on Box. Amber, we have one more meeting to review the remaining stories and add actions/decisions. I am free most of today and tomorrow.

The list (of stories) is on Pinyon:

I made a diagram of these stories to give us more clarity about design opportunities.

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

@carlsonem, I met with Amber, and we need one more meeting to finish reviewing all Icebox stories. Also, we identified 2 new stories, put in the icebox for now.

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

@carlsonem Amber is out today, so we cannot have the final meeting to close this story. I'm moving it to blocked until next Thursday when we are meeting.

lisamcmichael commented 5 years ago

I've updated a 'master list' of Icebox Stories with actions and next steps, @ASprinkle and @lisaredux.

ASprinkle commented 5 years ago

Hey @lisamcmichael I am going to move this to Done... so that I can capture it as an item in my summary next week