USDepartmentofLabor / Local-Labor-Market-Data-Android

Android version of BLS Local Labor Market Data
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Accessibility - Sectors Screen - Not Reading List Contents #11

Closed jfc3-dol closed 5 years ago

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

When using TalkBack to read the content on the sectors screen after reading the table headings, all it says is "List" after that and does not read the information in the table.

See screenshot to show content not being read. For some reason if I get a few screen deep it then reads the table contents.

bls - android - sectors screen - tablkback not reading list contents

greg-gruse commented 5 years ago

Are you using a specific gesture to tab through the table headings and then into the list? If so, could you let me know the gesture you are using?

When I get to this screen it does allow me to tap into the table cells - now when it reads them it doesn't read all of the labels one after another but basically just each label within the table cell that you tap on. So, for example "Government (9000000)" is read by itself.

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

I believe I started with doing an "L" and then selecting "Read from Top" or "Read Next Item" and then when that didn't work even attempted one finger left to right swipe to read one item at a time, and it would go an read the TABLE contents.

I was able to read some of it but not the button at the end of the row if I tapped in the TABLE, but a user that is using TalkBack is most likely not sighted to know there is more content after the TABLE headings as I am.

I can attempt again on our devices if this doesn't work for you and give you more detail if necessary.

greg-gruse commented 5 years ago

Ok, I see what you mean now just swiping through the items in Talkback, I think I had my accessibility next feature set to the wrong type. I will investigate more.

greg-gruse commented 5 years ago

I fixed it so that you can tab into the table / list. The only thing is it wants to read the entire list item with all of its fields. Is that ok? I can craft the talk back message to read more as a sentence if that would help.

greg-gruse commented 5 years ago

This should be fixed in the May 8th build?

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

Thanks, for the fix but TalkBack is now reading the entire row of content. If I want to go back to read something on a line because I didn't hear it, I have to listen to the entire line instead of only one item at a time.

The first highlighted item reads the whole row. The individually highlighted and numbered items are the order I would expect TalkBack to read them in.

Please see the attached screenshot.

bls - android - detail city screen - expected row reading order

greg-gruse commented 5 years ago

Fixed in the next build

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

Thanks, for making TalkBack read the TABLE row items as individual items instead of one row.

But TalkBack is not reading the button/link (arrow) at the end, so people know that there is more detailed information for that row/record.

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

It's now reading the right-facing arrow as a button that reads "More details button double tap to activate" Which is a great start. Can you add the text from the first column in front of that, so the screen reader user will know which button it is? Don't need the numbers if present only the words.

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

Thanks, TalkBack is now reading the content from the first column before telling the user that it's a more detail button for the Metro, State, and County detail screens.

I wasn't expecting the numbers to be read as part of the button, but if that is how it is, I will close the issue.

jfc3-dol commented 5 years ago

TalkBack is not reading the numbers along with the text from the first column as part of the more details button.

I am closing this issue since it's been corrected.