Perform extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water distribution systems
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Beta Tester - RESULTS #10

Closed rjanke20 closed 4 years ago

rjanke20 commented 4 years ago

[For my network model] Note that “maximum trials are exceeded several times and the system flow balance numbers can't be trusted. It is not a large network (10K pipes) but there are quite few PRV's.”

rjanke20 commented 4 years ago

In networks with valves the solver can cycle for many iterations and exit with an Error 110 – “cannot solve network hydraulic equations”. The new solver will continue to undergo tuning over time as the EPA and community of software developers encounter networks that fail to converge and apply software patches with improvements. The EPANET 2.2.0 makes a number of improvements to the hydraulic solver, please check it out here (Release tab) and on EPA's website at For more information about hydraulic solver updates please go to