Perform extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water distribution systems
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Menu and Registry enhancements #58

Open PaulOdendaal opened 1 year ago

PaulOdendaal commented 1 year ago

I wish to recommend the following easy to implement user-friendly improvements. It is quite frustrating for me to reset these every time I open the program.

There are things which a user may select like:

File>Preferences>Formats. Setting decimals for various parameters. The choice of the user can be saved in the Windows Registry. I use SaveSettings in VB6 , but C will have a different statement. Each time the user opens the program, these setting can be read from the Registry and applied to the Preferences (I use GetSettings in VB6). It now jumps back to the hard coded settings.

View>Options>Map Options>Notation. The font size the user works with can also be saved and read from the registry, as presently, when the program is opened, it jumps back to the hard coded settings.

On the Browser, the selection a user makes, can also be saved and read again. I am referring to what is normally selected by the user. In my case it is pressure at nodes and flow in pipes, Presently it jumps back to no selection when the program is opened.

The options a user has, are all over the menus. One single main menu item could be 'Options' which can include the following in submenus or one large frame with all the settings will be even better.

File>Preferences View>Dimensions View>Legends>Modify Project>Defaults Project>Analysis options
