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Suggestions for future releases of EPANET about profile plots and backdrop formats #59

Open FinnHaraldEliassen opened 11 months ago

FinnHaraldEliassen commented 11 months ago

Hello As a master degree engineer I have used EPANET since early 1990s. Mostly it works superb, but I have some wishes for future releases.

Profile plots. 1) I would like to make profiles showing both elevation and head in one single plot. In my opinion this would be an essential function for epanet; to visualize elevation, pressure and head is what it is all about. 2) The horizontal axes on profile plots seems to be connected with the graphical distance between junctions on screen. I think it would be better if it was linked to the actual length of links between junctions. Then the profile plot would be correct even if the junctions are placed on the map/screen as a system sketch. 3) If max , min and increment for axes are set manually, it resets every time I run calculations. This I find rather annoying. I want to keep the changes.

Backdrop 4) My fourth wish is that online maps could be used as backdrop, not just bmp-, emf- and wmf-files. Then I would never need any other software for these type of calculations.

Best wishes FINN HARALD ELIASSEN Sivilingeniør, seksjon VA

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MikeDowner commented 3 months ago

Hi, Yes I completely agree with Finn's requests. Regards, Mike