Perform extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water distribution systems
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Handle Descriptions the same as EPASWMM to allow multiline #65

Open dapaez270 opened 5 months ago

dapaez270 commented 5 months ago

Descriptions for network elements are very useful to keep track of data sources, changes, tasks to be completed, etc.

In EPANET, descriptions are currently saved in the input file by adding a semicolon and writing them after, on the same line of the entity. This means it cannot support multi-line comments (either reading or writing).

In EPASWMM, descriptions are saved in the input file by adding separate comment lines (starting with semicolon) ABOVE the entity line. This allows for multi-line comments.

Is there any interest in adapting EPANET to support multi-line comments by following a similar approach to EPASWMM?