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Post-processing scripts sometimes fail with divide by zero errors #5

Closed danielbizercox closed 3 years ago

danielbizercox commented 3 years ago

This issue will be fixed when we release the installer for MOVES3.0.1. However, we have identified a workaround if users need this fix before we release the updated installer. It involves updating MariaDB's configuration:

  1. Find your my.ini file (typically in your MariaDB data folder)
  2. Add the following line somewhere in the [mysqld] section: sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
  3. Make sure there are no other sql_mode lines in this section (delete them if there are)
  4. Restart the MariaDB service (In the Windows 10 taskbar, search for and open Services, select MariaDB in the list, and click "restart"; if you don't have permissions to do this, restarting your computer will also do the trick).