USEPA / EPA_Non-geo_Metadata_Editor

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Elements: SystemOfRecords and Primary IT Investment UII #11

Open torrin47 opened 5 years ago

torrin47 commented 5 years ago

From @torrin47 on September 10, 2018 23:46

These are optional elements that should be available to authenticated internal users only. The valid values are below.

SystemOfRecords EPA-1: PeoplePlus EPA-3: Wellness Program Medical Records EPA-9: Freedom of Information Act Request and Appeal File EPA-17: OCEFT Criminal Investigative Index and Files EPA-19: EPA Identification Card Record EPA-20: Confidential Business Information Tracking System EPA-21: External Compliance Program Discrimination Complaint Files EPA-22: Correspondence Management System EPA-23: EPA Credential Information Records EPA-24: Claims Office Master Files EPA 27: Employee Counseling and Assistance Program Records EPA-29: EPA Travel, Other Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable Files EPA-30: Inspector General Enterprise Management system (IGEMS Hotline Module) EPA-31: Acquisition Training System EPA-32: EPA Telecommunications Detail Records EPA-33: Debarment and Suspension Files EPA-34: Medical and Research Study Records of Human Volunteers EPA-36: Research Grant, Cooperative Agreement, and Fellowship Application Files EPA-37: ORD Peer Review Panelist Information System (PRPIS) System EPA-38: Invention Reports Submitted to the EPA EPA-39: Superfund Cost Recovery Accounting Information System EPA-40: Inspector General's Operation and Reporting (IGOR) System Investigative Files EPA-41: Office of Administrative Services Information System (OASIS) EPA-42: Inspector General Enterprise Management System (IGEMS) Audit, Assignment, and Timesheet Modules EPA-43: Time Sharing Services Management System Registration Files EPA-44: EPA Personnel Emergency Contact Files EPA-47: OCEFT/NETI Training Registration and Administration Records EPA-48: Libby Asbestos Exposure Assessment Records EPA-49: Child Care Tuition Assistance Program Records EPA-50: OIG AutoAudit EPA-52: EPA Central Data Exchange - Customer Registration Subsystem (CDX-CRS) EPA-53: Integrated Grants Management System (IGMS) - Fellowship Module EPA-54: Federal Lead-Based Paint Program System of Records (FLPPSOR) EPA-55: Federal Retirement Benefits Calculator EPA-56: EZHIRE EPA-58: EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Database for Scientific and Technical Experts EPA-59: Restricted Use Pesticides EPA-60: EPA's Light Duty In-Use Testing Program EPA-61 Telework EPA-64 My Workplace EPA-65 Engine and Vehicle Exemptions System (EV–ES) EPA/GOVT-1: Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Records for Federal Employees Parking at Federal Parking Facilities EPA/GOVT-2: Federal Docket Management System (FDMS)

Primary IT Investment UII Not Applicable EV-GHG - Engines and Vehicles-Greenhouse Gases SI - Superfund Imaging PMS - Payment Management System BFS - Budget Formulation System FinRS - Financial Replacement System Small/Other: Clean Air AQS- Air Quality System CAMDBS - Clean Air Markets Division Business System RadNet - Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System STAR- Integrated Strategic Tracking and Recruiting MOVES - Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator LDMS - NVFEL Laboratory Data Management System DCFUEL - Fuel Reporting System AIRNOW OAR Internet Support RBLC- RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Modeling Support for Air Pollution Research EIS- Emission Inventory System VERIFY - Vehicles and Engines Information System AQS DataMart GHGMRR- Greenhouse Gas Mandatory Reporting Rule EMTS- EPA Moderated Transaction System EV-ACES - Engines and Vehicles-Automated Commercial Environment System Small/Other: Clean and Safe Water BASINS NHD/RAD - National Hydrography Dataset/Reach Address Database HWQS- Hydrologic and Water Quality System UIC - Underground Injection Control ATTAINS- Assessment Total Maximum Daily Loads Tracking And Implementation System GRTS - Grants Reporting and Tracking System OWWCOP - OW Website Coordination and Organization Project DWINS- Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey GSIS - CO2 Geologic Sequestration Information System eNOI- Electronic Notice of Intent Database SDWIS Fed Components Upgrades SDWIS - Safe Drinking Water Information System SDWISNG- Safe Drinking Water Information System Next Generation STORET - Storage and Retrieval Information System CWNS - Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Small/Other: Preserve and Restore the Land Superfund eFacts CERCLIS - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System EMP- Emergency Management Portal eManifest SEMS - Superfund Enterprise Management System CIMC - Cleanups In My Community PAT- OSWER Performance Assessment Tool GAP Online- General Assistance Program SRMP- System for Risk Management Plans RCRAInfo- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information Small/Other: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems FLPP - Federal Lead-Based Paint Program Modeling Support for Health and Ecological Research CAMEO - Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations ACRES- Assessment Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System WebEOC - Web Emergency Operations Center MTS - Manage Toxic Substances PRISM - Pesticide Registration Information System TRI-MEweb - Toxics Release Inventory-Made Easy Web TRIPS - Toxics Release Inventory Processing System Small/Other: Compliance and Environmental Stewardship Modeling Support for Compliance and Stewardship Research ICIS - Integrated Compliance Information System AFS - AIRS Facility System PCS - Permit Compliance System ECHO/IDEA - Enforcement and Compliance History Online/Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis Small/Other: Multi-Goal IT Investments FOIAXpress FOIAModule Envirofacts - Envirofacts Information Warehouse OMIS - ORD Management Information System CDX - Central Data Exchange SoR - System of Registries EIMS- Environmental Information Management System OneEPA Web (IOME) EDG - Environmental Data Gateway ORD Websites CCRS - Criminal Case Reporting System WebForms Environmental Science Connector OASIS - Office of Administration Services Information System SLATE- Strategic Lease and Asset Tracking Enterprise OARM Data Mart EPASS - EPA Personnel Access and Security System TSEC - TIGER Security Xacta - Telos Xacta Information Assurance Manager FRS - Facilities Registration System WAM- Web Access Management IGEMS - Inspector General Enterprise Management System AITSP - Agency IT Security Program ETL - Extract, Transform, and Load Tool Web 2.0 Applications CMS- Correspondence Management System GeoPlatform EZ-Hire PPL-HR - PeoplePlus-Human Resources EAS - EPA's Acquisition System CMDS - Content Management and Discovery Services TIM - Technology Infrastructure Modernization RSTI - Research Science Technology Infrastructure EPA Enterprise Architecture Development and Implementation Clinger-Cohen Act Multi-Media Enterprise Architecture IGMS - Integrated Grants Management System E-Gov: Geospatial One-Stop Partner Agency Find and Apply E-Gov: Integrated Acquisition Partner Agency E-Gov: FM LoB Partner Contribution E-Gov: HRM LoB Partner Contribution E-Gov: E-Training E-Gov: Recruitment One-Stop E-Gov: EHRI e-Payroll Service Fee Grants Management LoB E-Gov: Budget Formulation and Execution E-Gov: IAE - Integrated Acquisition Environment Grants and Loans eRulemaking

_Copied from original issue: USEPA/EPA_Environmental_DatasetGateway#76

aergul commented 4 years ago

Press the fake login button to make these elements show.

systemofrecords was already in tech spec with that capitalization, so went with that. Made up one for primaryitinvestmentuii, edited the local copy of the tech spec to include it which we are temporarily using. The master copy needs to include this element.

jzichichi commented 4 years ago

@aergul @torrin47 - worked well for me. Minor wordsmith item I noticed - in the systemofrecords drop down, there is a colon missing in the following items, inconsistent with the others in the list (it matches what Torrin had originally but I wasn't sure if it was intended).

EPA-61 Telework EPA-64 My Workplace EPA-65 Engine and Vehicle Exemptions System (EV–ES)

Other than that I think it looks good and works as expected; showing when logged in, not showing when logged off.

aergul commented 4 years ago

Good catch, fixed.

torrin47 commented 4 years ago

So... apparently I can't be trusted to appropriately write up the requirements for the ticket. What I pasted was indeed the text of the choices that should be presented to the users, but in both cases, they have other values associated with them that should be what's actually stored in the metadata (similar to how the Program Code works). So for additional completeness that should have been in the original ticket...

It looks like we can get a complete and authoritative list of PrimaryITInvestmentUII from this endpoint: The investmentTitle element contains the user-friendly descriptions, while the uniqueInvestmentIdentifier element contains the actual code values to be written in the metadata.

There does not appear to be an equivalent API or easily-parsed equivalent for the SORN URLs, only a web page and Excel Spreadsheet. I don't have a good sense of how often these values change - more often than we'd like I guess, since I notice all the URLs we used in EME 5.0 are no longer valid. I can take responsibility for creating a JSON file from the spreadsheet that we can use to populate this element - again, the text will be analogous to above, while the values will be URLs.

aergul commented 4 years ago

Updated the IT investments list. Sounds like you want the app to tap into the API? If that's indeed the case, do you want to fallback to a static local snapshot should the API fail/timeout?

Holding off on the SORN URLs...

torrin47 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I'd prefer to tap into the API directly, but having a fallback is an excellent idea. Here's the SORN json snapshot. We'll have to update this manually.

aergul commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, API does not appear to be CORS enabled at this time. Thoughts @torrin47 ?

aergul commented 4 years ago

We could host a CORS proxy to run the request thru. A bit of a hassle to have it secure and play well with dev but can be made to work.

Or settle for static file...

torrin47 commented 4 years ago

I just sent a request to the IT Dashboard folks to see whether they could enable CORS. If they don't enable it, I say we go with static rather than bother with a proxy.

torrin47 commented 4 years ago

Reminder to switch SORN from text to URL in output. Thanks!

aergul commented 4 years ago


torrin47 commented 4 years ago
