USEPA / EPA_Non-geo_Metadata_Editor

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Create json listing of all DCAT harvest sources that can be parsed for editing by ODME. #99

Open torrin47 opened 4 years ago

torrin47 commented 4 years ago

As discussed, will likely live at path similar to and contain a list of source titles and relative URLs that ODME can read and present in dropdown list to intramural editors.

aergul commented 4 years ago

I'm unable to download that file at the moment. Would you mind attaching to the ticket? Meanwhile, here is the file I've been using for starters:

    "root": "D:/Public/dcat",
    "help": "In this file, 'root', 'help' and 'files' are reserved keywords. Any other key is treated as a node. 'root' is the folder where every 'files' entry is relative to. 'files' array entries must be the relative path to valid JSON DCAT files.",
    "Environmental Protection Agency": {
        "EPA Office of Air and Radiation": {
            "EPA Office of Atmospheric Programs": {
                "files": [
        "EPA Office of the Chief Financial Officer": {
            "files": [
    "files": []
torrin47 commented 4 years ago

Sorry about that - the proposed URL was just a placeholder. I'm thinking that this is a better name: It looks, though, like the /data Tomcat application is adding a header that forces a download of the file. I don't recall whether that would cause a problem with XHR requests, but if we need to, we can change it. @charness39 and I discussed the value of having an org chart hierarchy embedded in this file, and we weren't convinced. It would take an editor more time to navigate down through an org chart to find a file than to select it from a flat list, the EPA org chart changes with frustrating frequency, and for those organizations with multiple files, we'd still want to assign user-friendly titles to each file. So our counterproposal is this:

{ "root": "", "help": "This file contains a complete listing of public EPA Open Data DCAT metadata files. In this file, 'root', 'help', 'files', 'file' and 'title' are reserved keywords. 'root' is the folder where every 'file' entry is relative to. 'files' contains an array of 'file' objects. 'file' entries must be the relative path to valid JSON DCAT files. 'title' indicates the display name for the corresponding file", "files": [{ "title": "EPA Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Atmospheric Programs", "file": "OAR/OAP/METADATA/OAR-OAP.JSON" },{ "title": "EPA Office of Environmental Information, Office of Information Collection", "file": "OEI/metadata/OEI-OIC.json" }] }

Catherine will work on populating this file in the next few days.

aergul commented 4 years ago


No problem with the headers, they are just a hint for the browser handling it directly. We can load and peruse as needed:


torrin47 commented 4 years ago
