USEPA / ElectricityLCI

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24 stars 10 forks source link - single emission factor applied to multiple coal types #57

Closed m-jamieson closed 3 years ago

m-jamieson commented 5 years ago

When use_primaryfuel_for_coal is set to 1 - the population is first down-selected to fuelcategory coal and then the fuel category is essentially replaced by coal type (bit, sub, lig). If a region has multiple fuel types (e.g., ERCO-Coal has sub and lig) then a single emission factor is calculated using all of the coal types and then applied throughout. for example, ERCO-LIG-Hexane-0.0002 and ERCO-SUB-0.0002. Is this the intended result?

m-jamieson commented 3 years ago

Using coal type is no longer working - going to remove this parameter from the config files.