USEPA / Environmental-Technologies-Design-Option-Tool

Software models that provides engineers with the capability to evaluate and design systems that use granular activated carbon or ion exchange resins for the removal of contaminants, including PFAS, from drinking water and wastewater
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Installation ODBC Error 105 #28

Open DABrydon opened 4 months ago

DABrydon commented 4 months ago


I'm trying to install ETDOT on a Windows 10 64 Bit laptop. I have extracted the files from the zip folder to a new folder and run setup.exe as an administrator.

The installation gets to the 19% mark and then stops with an error that says there is a problem with "ISODBC Common\Core - 105". This happens just after I enter the license key. I'm pretty computer literate but have no idea at all how to get round this, or even if there's a solution.

My virus checker (AVAST) has quarantined a file (I think it was CPSCHCK 728 or something similar) - could that be the problem?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks


ucchejbb commented 4 months ago


  1. Did you run the installer in compatibility mode?
  2. The CPSCHCK file may be the license checker file, I'd have to look, so that could certainly be part of the issue.
  3. If you are only trying to use AdDesignS for GAC modeling, you don't need to run the installed version. That can be downloaded and used without a license or installation. Thanks