USEPA / SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface

User interface for the Stormwater-Management-Model
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Edit | Copy and Edit | Find Object menu items and tools missing #375

Open MitchHeineman opened 4 years ago

MitchHeineman commented 4 years ago

These basic functions are missing. When it's added, it would be nice if these were accessible via Ctrl-C and Ctrl-F as in most software (although absent in the Delphi GUI).

TongZhai commented 4 years ago

Under 'View' menu item, there are 'Find' and 'Query' menu options. The 'Edit' menu contains all manners of selection and editing functions. I think there is only the 'Copy' function that is not implemented. I think we should close this issue and create separate issues for requesting 'Copy' function and the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-F shortcuts.