In the Delphi GUI, the max. depth is not directly editable for certain types of conduits. Instead it's set from the cross section editor.
procedure SetConduitDepthField(const S: String);
// Sets edit style of the Max. depth field for the Conduit Property Editor.
with Project do
// The following shapes must use the Cross Section Editor to change
// the conduit's max. depth value
if SameText(S, 'HORIZ_ELLIPSE')
or SameText(S, 'VERT_ELLIPSE')
or SameText(S, 'ARCH')
or SameText(S, 'IRREGULAR')
or SameText(S, 'DUMMY')
then ConduitProps[CONDUIT_GEOM1_INDEX].Style := esReadOnly
else ConduitProps[CONDUIT_GEOM1_INDEX].Style := esEdit;
For IRREGULAR conduits, the max depth seems to be set as max. elevation - min. elevation for the transect. Not having this value may be causing an issue with profile plots.
procedure TTransect.SetMaxDepth;
// Determines the max. depth of a transect.
I: Integer;
N: Integer;
Ymax: Single;
Ymin: Single;
Y: Single;
Data[TRANSECT_MAX_DEPTH] := ''; //(5.1.008)
N := Ydata.Count;
if N < 3 then exit;
Ymax := -1e10;
Ymin := 1e10;
for I := 0 to N-1 do
if Uutils.GetSingle(Ydata[I], Y) then
Ymin := Min(Ymin, Y);
Ymax := Max(Ymax, Y);
Y := Ymax - Ymin;
if Y > 0 then Data[TRANSECT_MAX_DEPTH] := Format('%.2f', [Y]);
In the Delphi GUI, the max. depth is not directly editable for certain types of conduits. Instead it's set from the cross section editor.
For IRREGULAR conduits, the max depth seems to be set as max. elevation - min. elevation for the transect. Not having this value may be causing an issue with profile plots.