TADAShiny is a DRAFT R Shiny application (link to web version below) built on top of the TADA R Package (https://github.com/USEPA/TADA). It provides a user friendly, web accessible interface.
If a user uploads a dataset with malformed data the flagging procedure can raise an unhandled fatal error
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to 'Load'
2. Click on 'Upload data'
3. Load a dataset (exported from TADA as 'final)
4. Go to Flag data for potential issues and hit 'Run Tests' button
4. See error
Please include your Water Quality Portal data query inputs from the Load
data tab:
If applicable, include code to reproduce the behavior:
Error: (converted from warning) Error in dplyr::mutate: ℹ In argument: `MeasureQualifierCode.Split = strsplit(MeasureQualifierCode, ";")`.
Caused by error in `strsplit()`:
! non-character argument
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Reminders for TADA contributors addressing this issue
Bug fixes should include the following work:
[ ] Create or edit the code.
[ ] Document all code using line/inline and/or multi-line/block comments
to describe what is does.
[ ] Create or edit tests in tests/testthat folder to help prevent and/or
troubleshoot potential future issues.
[ ] If your code edits impact other functionality in the shiny
app, ensure those are updated as well.
[ ] Run styler::style_pkg(), devtools::document(), and devtools::check()
and address any new notes or issues before creating a pull request.
Describe the bug
If a user uploads a dataset with malformed data the flagging procedure can raise an unhandled fatal error
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to 'Load'
2. Click on 'Upload data'
3. Load a dataset (exported from TADA as 'final)
4. Go to Flag data for potential issues and hit 'Run Tests' button
4. See error
Please include your Water Quality Portal data query inputs from the Load data tab:
If applicable, include code to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Reminders for TADA contributors addressing this issue
Bug fixes should include the following work:
[ ] Create or edit the code.
[ ] Document all code using line/inline and/or multi-line/block comments to describe what is does.
[ ] Create or edit tests in tests/testthat folder to help prevent and/or troubleshoot potential future issues.
[ ] If your code edits impact other functionality in the shiny app, ensure those are updated as well.
[ ] Run styler::style_pkg(), devtools::document(), and devtools::check() and address any new notes or issues before creating a pull request.