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RTP - Building D #123

Open amunozInnovate opened 2 years ago

amunozInnovate commented 2 years ago









plopez505 commented 1 year ago


Is this a walk-able space?

Can anybody familiar with Research Triangle Park, NCRTP001 Building D, verify whether or not this wall on Level 2 is a wall, or if it represents the overhanging corridor in Level 3? Level 2 is at the same elevation as the outdoor parking spaces and patio. This seems to indicate that this area is an open space, beneath an overhanging walkway. Is this a correct assumption?


In the following image Level 3 CAD has more detail in this area than Level 2 does.


plopez505 commented 1 year ago

Network Analyst Service Area Test Result

This (resolved) issue is distinct from the CAD question above

When creating polyline feature (instead of generating) Transitions, the resulting record has no values for Length In 3D. This can cause errors while building the Network dataset. Network Object errors occurred on building the network dataset for Building D for 4 out of approimately 25 records having null Length in 3D values.

In the screenshot below, example features (in green, not covered by magenta service Area) did not exist in the Service Area even after they were edited/corrected and after the NetworkND was rebuilt.


RESOLVED BY: Use Calculate Geometry from the Attribute table, in 3D View, on the Length in 3D attribute, and set the parameters to Length, and the units to meters. Then Re Build the NetworkND and the Service Area before running the Network Test.
