[ ] Does this have sufficient context for the specific functionality being developed (design, business rules, etc.)
User Story
As a user
I want to read the API descriptions included in the constants file
So that I am reading consistent API description info between the MVP and custom app.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user visits the CAM API MVP
When the API descriptions are displayed
Then the API descriptions should match those API descriptions in the constants file
Development Notes
This should be updated after the new streaming API is added (NLT June 1st).
Test Description
Verify the MVP API descriptions match all the constant file API descriptions.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Test Data
Steps to be Executed
Open MVP CAM API page
View updated API descriptions that match the constants files description.
Definition of Done
[ ] Have all Acceptance Criteria been agreed to and validated by the scrum team?
[ ] Has the code been unit tested and peer reviewed?
[ ] Have the functional tests been executed?
[ ] Have all defects been reviewed and dispositioned, resolved, or deferred?
[ ] Is the user story ready to be deployed to the test/staging environments?
Definition of Ready
User Story
As a user I want to read the API descriptions included in the constants file So that I am reading consistent API description info between the MVP and custom app.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user visits the CAM API MVP When the API descriptions are displayed Then the API descriptions should match those API descriptions in the constants file
Development Notes
Test Description
Verify the MVP API descriptions match all the constant file API descriptions.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Test Data
Steps to be Executed
Definition of Done