USEPA / cam-api-portal

Api for data collected to run programs designed to reduce air pollution from power plants
MIT License
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Create additional content linking to CAM API Portal in CAMD web area #129

Open ibarra-michelle opened 2 years ago

ibarra-michelle commented 2 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user visiting CAMD webpages I want to see content about the CAM API with links So that I can discover more data and ways to access them

Acceptance Criteria

Development Notes


Test Description

Verify all links to the CAM API work appropriately

Assumptions and Pre-Conditions


Test Data


Steps to be Executed

  1. Visit each page in CAMD web area that reference CAM API
  2. Verify links take you to the CAM API portal

Definition of Done

ibarra-michelle commented 2 years ago

@j-tafoya - at the next meeting, could we chat about other areas we could update CAMD web area, such as the CAMD Reeng FAQ, FACT API page, etc. ?