[ ] Does this have sufficient context for the specific functionality being developed (design, business rules, etc.)
User Story
As a CAM API user
I want to see all the available options and pages I can visit in a subheader
So that I can quickly navigate to the content I want
Acceptance Criteria
Given that a user has visited the CAM API portal home page
When they are at the top of the page
Then they should see a subheader with options to reach the API documentation, help/support, and register for an API key
Development Notes
Utilize the reusable component created by CVP for the re-engineering
Test Description
Test that the subheader is visible at the top of the page and is not sticky as you scroll to the bottom. It should only be visible at the top.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Assume to be on the home page of the portal
Test Data
Steps to be Executed
Visit the CAM API Portal home page
Inspect the header for all the required links
Test that each link takes you to the appropriate page/resource
Definition of Done
[ ] Have all Acceptance Criteria been agreed to and validated by the scrum team?
[ ] Has the code been unit tested and peer reviewed?
[ ] Have the functional tests been executed?
[ ] Have all defects been reviewed and dispositioned, resolved, or deferred?
[ ] Is the user story ready to be deployed to the test/staging environments?
Definition of Ready
User Story
As a CAM API user I want to see all the available options and pages I can visit in a subheader So that I can quickly navigate to the content I want
Acceptance Criteria
Given that a user has visited the CAM API portal home page When they are at the top of the page Then they should see a subheader with options to reach the API documentation, help/support, and register for an API key
Development Notes
Utilize the reusable component created by CVP for the re-engineering
Test Description
Test that the subheader is visible at the top of the page and is not sticky as you scroll to the bottom. It should only be visible at the top.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Assume to be on the home page of the portal
Test Data
Steps to be Executed
Definition of Done