[ ] Does this have sufficient context for the specific functionality being developed (design, business rules, etc.)
User Story
As a developer
I want to be able to fill out a form to sign up for an API key
So that I can request an API Key
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user clicks on any "request API key" button
When the modal displays
Then the GSA form should be displayed asking for the details required for the signup
Definition of Ready
User Story
As a developer I want to be able to fill out a form to sign up for an API key So that I can request an API Key
Acceptance Criteria
Given a user clicks on any "request API key" button When the modal displays Then the GSA form should be displayed asking for the details required for the signup
Development Notes
link to GSA page for API key signup
Test Description
Verify that the form works is able to submit and won't if fields are not filled
Test Data
A first name, last name, and email to test with
Steps to be Executed
Definition of Done