USEPA / cam-api-portal

Api for data collected to run programs designed to reduce air pollution from power plants
MIT License
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Research/decide on contact us page #52

Closed ntknguyen closed 2 years ago

ntknguyen commented 2 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user I want to easily contact someone for help/questions related to the CAM API portal So that I can successfully use the CAM APIs

Acceptance Criteria

Given a user clicks on a contact us button When the page loads Then they can either fill out a form or contact someone directly

Given a user fills out a form When that form is submitted Then this form sends an email to a shared mailbox that potentially creates a ticket

Development Notes

Investigate what options are available and discuss what is necessary for the CAP API Portal


Test Description

Verify that whatever action a user takes to contact us, we are notified and can respond

Assumptions and Pre-Conditions

Assume the user clicks the button/link

Test Data

Test account/email info to put into a form etc

Steps to be Executed

  1. Click the contact us button
  2. Fill out form or get contact email
  3. Verify we can receive this communication

Definition of Done

j-tafoya commented 2 years ago