USEPA / cam-api-portal

Api for data collected to run programs designed to reduce air pollution from power plants
MIT License
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Create CAM API docs subpage React component #57

Closed j-tafoya closed 2 years ago

j-tafoya commented 2 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user visiting the API docs I want to see all the available APIs available with short descriptions So that I can quickly find what I'm looking for and go straight to the docs

Acceptance Criteria

Given a user visits the API docs subpage When the page loads Then there should be a short description or instructions at the top and a set of cards below that hold the titles, descriptions, and links to APIs

Given no changes to the content When the page is resized Then the cards should dynamically adjust to the size by moving to the next row or expanding to the row above

Given a user is on their mobile device When the page is loaded Then the cards should all be in one column fitting within the width of the screen

Development Notes

See the wireframes for reference


Test Description

Verify the cards are visible in a mobile and desktop view. Verify the cards can be clicked to visit the appropriate pages. Verify the navigation via the subheader works and users can get back to the homepage or navigate elsewhere

Assumptions and Pre-Conditions


Test Data


Steps to be Executed

  1. Open the API docs subpage
  2. Click on each API endpoint to go to the appropriate subpage
  3. Resize the page and verify the cards respond accordingly and move to fit in the screen size

Definition of Done