USEPA / cam-api-portal

Api for data collected to run programs designed to reduce air pollution from power plants
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Create generic help/resources page React component #60

Closed j-tafoya closed 2 years ago

j-tafoya commented 2 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user I want resources for the CAM API So that I can better understand and utilize the APIs

Acceptance Criteria

Given a resource (e.g. FAQ, API Guide, Release Notes, etc) When a user visits the page Then A title, description, and information are displayed

Given a resource page When a user visits the page Then a unique URL for that page should be displayed in the address bar and should be linkable

Development Notes

See wireframe for reference. The component should accept any React components as the body. The component should have props for the title, description and body content.


Test Description

Verify the component can be used with any resource type and content.

Assumptions and Pre-Conditions


Test Data

Generic resource content with varying React components (e.g. accordions, cards, buttons, etc)

Steps to be Executed

  1. Provide varying types of content to the React component
  2. Verify the content loads appropriately
  3. Verify you can generate multiple resource page components and link to them

Definition of Done