[ ] Does this have sufficient context for the specific functionality being developed (design, business rules, etc.)
User Story
As a user
I want to see release notes for each API
So that I can update my application with any changes
Acceptance Criteria
Given a set of APIs
When a user visits the Release Notes subpage
Then a set of cards for each API should appear that link to the respective release notes
Given a generic react component for a page with cards
When supplied a list of API release notes
Then a page with cards containing titles and descriptions of those release notes should appear and should link to the release notes page
Development Notes
See the wireframe for reference
Test Description
Verify that all APIs have a release notes card. Verify that the cards render appropriately in mobile and desktop. Verify the cards are clickable and go to the appropriate place
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Test Data
A set of real or test API release notes
Steps to be Executed
Supply API release notes data to the generic React component to generate a page with cards
Verify the cards have the correct info and are clickable
Verify the cards fit in the screen for various sizes
Definition of Done
[ ] Have all Acceptance Criteria been agreed to and validated by the scrum team?
[ ] Has the code been unit tested and peer reviewed?
[ ] Have the functional tests been executed?
[ ] Have all defects been reviewed and dispositioned, resolved, or deferred?
[ ] Is the user story ready to be deployed to the test/staging environments?
Definition of Ready
User Story
As a user I want to see release notes for each API So that I can update my application with any changes
Acceptance Criteria
Given a set of APIs When a user visits the Release Notes subpage Then a set of cards for each API should appear that link to the respective release notes
Given a generic react component for a page with cards When supplied a list of API release notes Then a page with cards containing titles and descriptions of those release notes should appear and should link to the release notes page
Development Notes
See the wireframe for reference
Test Description
Verify that all APIs have a release notes card. Verify that the cards render appropriately in mobile and desktop. Verify the cards are clickable and go to the appropriate place
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Test Data
A set of real or test API release notes
Steps to be Executed
Definition of Done