USEPA / cam-api-portal

Api for data collected to run programs designed to reduce air pollution from power plants
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Create API docs card React component for the homepage #81

Closed j-tafoya closed 2 years ago

j-tafoya commented 2 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user visiting the CAMPD homepage I want to see a card for the API docs with a brief description and link to the docs So that I can to go straight to the docs from the homepage

Acceptance Criteria

Given an API subpage (or placeholder page if it doesn't exist yet) When a user visits the homepage Then they should see a large card with a title of API Docs, a brief description, and a link to the docs

Given an API docs card on the homepage When a user clicks on the card or a link on the card Then they should be redirected to the API docs subpage

Given an API docs card on the homepage When a user resizes their screen or visits the page on their phone Then this card should adjust to the screen size and wrap with the other components on the page

Development Notes

See the invision wireframe for reference


Test Description

Verify this card links to the API docs when clicked. Verify the card resizes and wraps on mobile or smaller screen sizes.

Assumptions and Pre-Conditions

Assume an API docs subpage exists or a placeholder page for testing

Test Data

A mock page to link to

Steps to be Executed

  1. Open the homepage
  2. Click on the API docs card and verify it takes you to the API docs subpage
  3. Go back to the homepage
  4. Resize the page and verify the card stays within the screen and wraps if necessary

Definition of Done