[ ] Does this have sufficient context for the specific functionality being developed (design, business rules, etc.)
User Story
As a user visiting the CAM API portal
I want a page listing all the API docs with some introductory text
So that I can find the docs I'm looking for
Acceptance Criteria
Given a basic description of the APIs
When a user visits the API docs page
Then they should see a basic intro with a title at the top of the page
Given a barebones API docs page and API docs card on the homepage
When a user clicks the API docs card on the homepage
Then they should be navigated to the API docs subpage
Given a barebones API docs page
When a user navigates to /api-docs
Then they should reach the API docs subpage directly
Development Notes
See invision wireframe for reference. Make sure to add this subpage as a route within the react-router
Test Description
Verify this page can be reached from the homepage and the subheader (if exists). Verify this page renders nicely at mobile and desktop sizes. Verify the route /api-docs works and redirects to the API docs subpage.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Assume there is a card that links to this page. Assume the subheader links to this page.
Test Data
Mock route
Steps to be Executed
Verify you can reach this page via URL, homepage, and subheader
Verify this page resizes appropriately for mobile and desktop
Definition of Done
[ ] Have all Acceptance Criteria been agreed to and validated by the scrum team?
[ ] Has the code been unit tested and peer reviewed?
[ ] Have the functional tests been executed?
[ ] Have all defects been reviewed and dispositioned, resolved, or deferred?
[ ] Is the user story ready to be deployed to the test/staging environments?
Definition of Ready
User Story
As a user visiting the CAM API portal I want a page listing all the API docs with some introductory text So that I can find the docs I'm looking for
Acceptance Criteria
Given a basic description of the APIs When a user visits the API docs page Then they should see a basic intro with a title at the top of the page
Given a barebones API docs page and API docs card on the homepage When a user clicks the API docs card on the homepage Then they should be navigated to the API docs subpage
Given a barebones API docs page When a user navigates to /api-docs Then they should reach the API docs subpage directly
Development Notes
See invision wireframe for reference. Make sure to add this subpage as a route within the react-router
Test Description
Verify this page can be reached from the homepage and the subheader (if exists). Verify this page renders nicely at mobile and desktop sizes. Verify the route /api-docs works and redirects to the API docs subpage.
Assumptions and Pre-Conditions
Assume there is a card that links to this page. Assume the subheader links to this page.
Test Data
Mock route
Steps to be Executed
Definition of Done