The quicker-sign service validation needs to be updated to compare the provided +paper+ date against the previous entity’s +electronic+ date. It was decided that after initial implementation that the validation shouldn’t compare {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}} against each other and instead needs to compare paper date against the electronic date - this has already been updated in the UI.
Acceptance Criteria The following AC is accepted when updates are made the quicker-sign service in regards to Electronic and Hybrid manifests:
(x) When calling the quicker-sign service, the system retrieves the manifest and validates that the provided {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}} for the entity is greater than or equal to the previous entity’s as follows
Subsequent Transporters - {{submissionType = FullElectronic}} and {{Hybrid}}
** Transporter 2 {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}} >= Transporter 1 {{electronicSignatureInfo.signatureDate}}- same logic follows for any subsequent transporters also (i.e. Transporter 3 {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}}>= Transporter 2 {{electronicSignatureInfo.signatureDate}})
Designated Facility - {{submissionType = FullElectronic}} and {{Hybrid}}
** {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}}>= last Transporter {{electronicSignatureInfo.signatureDate}}
(x) If validation fails, return an error:
For all cases except Hybrid Transporter 1 signature:{{ Specified paper signature date can't be before Generator/last Transporter/TSDF electronic signature date}}
Hybrid Transporter 1 signature only: {{Specified paper signature date can't be before Generator's paper signature date}}
The quicker-sign service validation needs to be updated to compare the provided +paper+ date against the previous entity’s +electronic+ date. It was decided that after initial implementation that the validation shouldn’t compare {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}} against each other and instead needs to compare paper date against the electronic date - this has already been updated in the UI.
Acceptance Criteria
The following AC is accepted when updates are made the quicker-sign service in regards to Electronic and Hybrid manifests:
(x) When calling the quicker-sign service, the system retrieves the manifest and validates that the provided {{paperSignatureInfo.signatureDate}} for the entity is greater than or equal to the previous entity’s as follows
(x) If validation fails, return an error: