USEPA / emf

Emissions Modeling Framework (EMF)
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issues with exporting after installing standalone package #30

Open cseppan opened 6 years ago

cseppan commented 6 years ago

From Robin/Charlie:

If you try to export, for example, the At-A-Glance report it fails because it tries to write it to a non-existent folder (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\exports\admin). If you add that directory yourself it will write it to that directory, but then it doesn’t know that it should be copied (or more ideally moved) to what would be the EMF Output Files (or maybe EMF_Data) directory on our machines. If you edit the EMFPrefs.txt file in the directory containing EMFClient.bat to include a line that says: local.tmp.dir=(whatever directory you want the files to end up) then the file will be copied there after being exported to the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\exports\admin directory. Editing the EMFPrefs.txt file is not mentioned in the documentation.

When Charlie tried to export the control measures on his laptop, it failed. It creates the _summary.csv file in the exports\admin directory but fails to write anything to it, so he didn't even get to the point where he would know if it eventually ends up in the right place. Charlie is still trying to figure out how to make this work.

cseppan commented 6 years ago

Charlie provided an updated Install_EMF.bat file that explicitly creates the webapps\exports\admin directory and sets the privileges appropriately. I modified this so that the privileges on the entire webapps\exports directory get set, then confirmed that the EMF server automatically creates user-specific folders as needed, and successfully writes to them.

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