USEPA / esupy

A library supporting Python-based tools in USEPA's tool ecosystem
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v0.3.2-release #50

Closed catherinebirney closed 11 months ago

catherinebirney commented 12 months ago

add ability to include a version and/or hash when downloading data commons files

In flowsa (and I assume other packages), we were not able to specify a file version and/or hash when downloading files from data commons. For example: flowsa.collapse_FlowBySector("GHG_national_2018_m2_v2.0.0_a8c5929",download_FBS_if_missing=True) was failing. We could only run: flowsa.collapse_FlowBySector("GHG_national_2018_m2",download_FBS_if_missing=True)

This PR modifies how files are found on data commons so users can specify versions/hashes

catherinebirney commented 12 months ago

@bl-young We don't have any impending proposed changes to esupy, do we? If not, I'll release a new esupy version with this change

bl-young commented 12 months ago

I think i had intended to do a v0.3.2 release after: but I did not

But that should be fine.

However note that pinning to flowsa v1.3.2 for HIO will not allow us to reference this commit. So i'm not sure what to do about that.

bl-young commented 12 months ago

And are we sure this is an issue under current cases or only in old flowsa?

catherinebirney commented 12 months ago

And are we sure this is an issue under current cases or only in old flowsa?

It is an issue in v2.0.0 - I'm not sure in which version of flowsa it became an issue, it's possible the older versions of flowsa did not have this problem.

bl-young commented 12 months ago

Oh I see - right so this is specifically when downloading the file, as currently we can access specific files via their git hash if they are local already.

catherinebirney commented 12 months ago

Correct - we don't need to worry about this download issue in older versions of flowsa because if it is an issue we can manually download from Data Commons