USEPA / haztrak

An open-source web app that illustrates how waste management software can interface with RCRAInfo to track hazardous waste electronically
MIT License
45 stars 19 forks source link

Dependency Review and updates #696

Closed dpgraham4401 closed 3 months ago

dpgraham4401 commented 3 months ago


Updates our dependencies.

breaking changes include react-toastify@10 and Django version 5. We've been holding off on adoptiong django version 5 because DRF currently does not officially support it, but everything appears to work and (sincerley no disrepect inteded to DRF project) there doesn't appear to be much movement on that front from the DRF. We should be fine moving forward and if we find anything then we can have fun looking for a fix to contribute.

also, another small fix to our endpoint URLs on the frontend.

Issue ticket number and link
