USEPA / standardizedinventories

Standardized Release and Waste Inventories
MIT License
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issue saving mismatched type to parquet #112

Closed bl-young closed 1 year ago

bl-young commented 2 years ago

e.g. the following code, where eGRID is passed as int instead of string will generate an error when saving the inventory

import stewicombo
df = stewicombo.combineInventoriesforFacilitiesinBaseInventory("GHGRP", {"NEI":"2018","GHGRP":"2018", "eGRID":2018}, remove_overlap=True)
stewicombo.saveInventory('my_file', df, {"NEI":"2018","GHGRP":"2018", "eGRID":2018})

pyarrow.lib.ArrowTypeError: ("Expected bytes, got a 'int' object", 'Conversion failed for column Year with type object')