USEPA / standardizedinventories

Standardized Release and Waste Inventories
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RCRA access via selenium no longer functioning #146

Closed bl-young closed 9 months ago

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

Do you have a plain language summary of what you're trying to accomplish with download_and_extract_zip in It looks like a recreation of "downthemall" for the defined links on the page (e.g., BR REPORTING and HD LU WASTE CODE). Is that right?

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

Have you looked at Envirofacts Data Service API? It looks like it has BR_REPORTING.

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

Here's an example for 2015 VA BR REPORTING:

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately HD_LU_WASTE_CODE is unavailable (see here)

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

I see where you were trying to use Google Chrome to load a Javascript page, so you can load the full page content. If you look behind the scenes at the URL calls happening (e.g., inspect the page, look at network traffic, see where CSV is called, find the URL), you'll see this:

If you request this URL, you should get a lovely JSON text back.

>>> import requests
>>> import json
>>> my_url = ""
>>> r = requests.get(my_url)
>>> print(r.text)
  "id" : 115556,
  "runId" : "CSV-2023-09-18T03-00-00-0400",
  "createdDate" : "2023-09-18T07:00:00.058+00:00",
  "completedDate" : "2023-09-18T14:13:03.766+00:00",
  "latest" : true,
  "tables" : [ {
    "id" : 115557,
    "module" : "Biennial Report",
    "moduleSortOrder" : 1,
    "tableName" : "BR_GM_WASTE_CODE",
    "totalRecords" : 10564777,
    "totalFiles" : 11,
    "recordsPerFile" : 1000000,
    "createdDate" : "2023-09-18T07:01:05.780+00:00",
    "files" : [ {
      "id" : 115559,
      "s3Key" : "Production/CSV-2023-09-18T03-00-00-0400/Biennial Report/BR_GM_WASTE_CODE/",
      "fileName" : "",
      "fileSize" : 35475962,
      "startRecord" : 0,
      "numberOfRecords" : 0
    } ]
  }, ...
    "id" : 115911,
    "module" : "Permitting",
    "createdDate" : "2023-09-18T08:53:36.963+00:00",
    "s3Key" : "Production/CSV-2023-09-18T03-00-00-0400/Permitting/",
    "fileName" : "",
    "fileSize" : 7432257,
    "sortOrder" : 9
  } ],
  "outputType" : "CSV"
>>> d = json.loads(r.text) # Load JSON to dict
>>> def find_table(d):      # simple search
...   for f_tab in d['tables']:
...       f_list = f_tab.get('files', [])
...           for f_item in f_list:
...               f_name = f_item.get("fileName", "")
...               if f_name == '':
...                   return(f_item)
>>> r_dict = find_table(d)
>>> r_dict
{'id': 115821,
 's3Key': 'Production/CSV-2023-09-18T03-00-00-0400/Handler/HD_LU_WASTE_CODE/',
 'fileName': '',
 'fileSize': 119988,
 'startRecord': 0,
 'numberOfRecords': 0}
>>> hd_waste_url = "/".join(["", r_dict['s3Key']])
>>> hd_waste_url  # parse together s3 URL bits
bl-young commented 9 months ago

Yes, we generally are trying to download BR_REPORTING_{year}.zip but the link is not stable as they are regenerated regularly.

dt-woods commented 9 months ago

See example code above.

bl-young commented 9 months ago

Ahh yes - that could simplify things quite a bit. thanks!

bl-young commented 9 months ago

This update to essentially replace download_and_extract_zip() seems quite straight forward but I expect I will not get to it for a week or two.

bl-young commented 9 months ago

Note that the updates in #147 does not shift to using EnviroFacts API, which we can evaluate in the future, but just streamlines the identification of the zip file to download.

dt-woods commented 7 months ago

So I tried accessing other years of RCRAInfo data (2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019). All worked except for one (2017), which produced the following errors. I wasn't able to track down the CSV file it keeps crashing on. Maybe there's a debug statement that points to it.

INFO RCRAInfo_2017 not found in ~/stewi/flowbyfacility
INFO requested inventory does not exist in local directory, it will be generated...
INFO file extraction complete
INFO organizing data for BR_REPORTING from 2017...
INFO extracting ~/stewi/RCRAInfo Data Files/BR_REPORTING_2017_0.csv
INFO extracting ~/stewi/RCRAInfo Data Files/BR_REPORTING_2017_1.csv
INFO extracting ~/stewi/RCRAInfo Data Files/BR_REPORTING_2017_2.csv
INFO saving to ~/stewi/RCRAInfo Data Files/RCRAInfo_by_year/br_reporting_2017.csv...
INFO generating inventory files for 2017
ParserError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 1
----> 1 stewi.getInventory('RCRAInfo', 2017)

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/stewi/, in getInventory(inventory_acronym, year, stewiformat, filters, filter_for_LCI, US_States_Only, download_if_missing, keep_sec_cntx)
     66 """Return or generate an inventory in a standard output format.
     68 :param inventory_acronym: like 'TRI'
     79 :return: dataframe with standard fields depending on output format
     80 """
     81 f = ensure_format(stewiformat)
---> 82 inventory = read_inventory(inventory_acronym, year, f,
     83                            download_if_missing)
     85 if (not keep_sec_cntx) and ('Compartment' in inventory):
     86     inventory['Compartment'] = (inventory['Compartment']
     87                                 .str.partition('/')[0])

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/stewi/, in read_inventory(inventory_acronym, year, f, download_if_missing)
    265 else:
    266'requested inventory does not exist in local directory, '
    267              'it will be generated...')
--> 268     generate_inventory(inventory_acronym, year)
    269 inventory = load_preprocessed_output(meta, paths)
    270 if inventory is None:

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/stewi/, in generate_inventory(inventory_acronym, year)
    309     RCRAInfo.main(Option = 'A', Year = [year],
    310                   Tables = ['BR_REPORTING', 'HD_LU_WASTE_CODE'])
    311     RCRAInfo.main(Option = 'B', Year = [year],
    312                   Tables = ['BR_REPORTING'])
--> 313     RCRAInfo.main(Option = 'C', Year = [year])
    314 elif inventory_acronym == 'TRI':
    315     import stewi.TRI as TRI

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/stewi/, in main(**kwargs)
    441     organize_br_reporting_files_by_year(kwargs['Tables'], year)
    443 elif kwargs['Option'] == 'C':
--> 444     Generate_RCRAInfo_files_csv(year)
    446 elif kwargs['Option'] == 'D':
    447     """State totals are compiled from the Trends Analysis website
    448     and stored as csv. New years will be added as data becomes
    449     available"""

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/stewi/, in Generate_RCRAInfo_files_csv(report_year)
    216 fieldstokeep = pd.read_csv(RCRA_DATA_PATH.joinpath('RCRA_required_fields.txt'),
    217                            header=None)
    218 # on_bad_lines requires pandas >= 1.3
--> 219 df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=0, usecols=list(fieldstokeep[0]),
    220                  low_memory=False, on_bad_lines='skip',
    221                  encoding='ISO-8859-1')
    223'completed reading {filepath}')
    224 # Checking the Waste Generation Data Health

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, date_format, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, encoding_errors, dialect, on_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision, storage_options, dtype_backend)
    935 kwds_defaults = _refine_defaults_read(
    936     dialect,
    937     delimiter,
    944     dtype_backend=dtype_backend,
    945 )
    946 kwds.update(kwds_defaults)
--> 948 return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    614     return parser
    616 with parser:
--> 617     return

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in, nrows)
   1741 nrows = validate_integer("nrows", nrows)
   1742 try:
   1743     # error: "ParserBase" has no attribute "read"
   1744     (
   1745         index,
   1746         columns,
   1747         col_dict,
-> 1748     ) =  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
   1749         nrows
   1750     )
   1751 except Exception:
   1752     self.close()

File ~/Envs/ebm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in, nrows)
    236         data = _concatenate_chunks(chunks)
    238     else:
--> 239         data =
    240 except StopIteration:
    241     if self._first_chunk:

File parsers.pyx:825, in

File parsers.pyx:913, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._read_rows()

File parsers.pyx:890, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._check_tokenize_status()

File parsers.pyx:2058, in pandas._libs.parsers.raise_parser_error()

ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Buffer overflow caught - possible malformed input file.
dt-woods commented 7 months ago

@bl-young, are you able to generate the 2017 RCRAInfo with stewi?

bl-young commented 7 months ago

I can yes, but I get the same error on the runner (see here)

I don't think I have the latest version of pandas so perhaps its a pandas issue that needs updating. I will make a new issue.