USEPA / standardizedinventories

Standardized Release and Waste Inventories
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[GHGRP] Subpart Z missing (2016+) #65

Closed bl-young closed 2 years ago

bl-young commented 3 years ago

Subpart Z data after 2015 are not posted within envirofacts. The data exist and should be there and are included in PUB_DIM_FACILITY (used for validation). This will result in validation errors for subpart Z.

Envirofacts staff have been notified of the issue.

bl-young commented 3 years ago

EPA has indicated that this error should be fixed by August during the next data release.

WesIngwersen commented 3 years ago

Ok very good. We will need to mint v1 code before that. But perhaps we hold off from publishing GHGRP datasets until the part Z data are published and we confirm the validation.

bl-young commented 2 years ago

This has been resolved, subpart Z now validates