USF-IMARS / python-tech-workgroup

IMaRS python technical working group
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are there IMaRS-external people we should invite? #5

Closed 7yl4r closed 3 years ago

7yl4r commented 3 years ago

Although the projects we focus on here are driven by IMaRS's goals, others at CMS or elsewhere may benefit from the python, git, github basics.

I want to use this issue to brainstorm on who we might consider inviting from outside IMaRS. We probably want to keep this group under 10 people but I think 3 is too small.

Do you know anyone interested in learning python?

Any potential collaborators interested in the projects we are pursuing here?

Please share your thoughts.

7yl4r commented 3 years ago

I have had some discussions with Nancy Williams and could reach out to see if anyone in her group is interested.

@sebastiandig : who was it you mentioned in today's meeting that is using binder? Perhaps ey knows others who may be interested?

sebastiandig commented 3 years ago

@7yl4r Nancy Williams is experienced in binder. She was going to use it to host a jupyter environment for class.