USF-IMARS / wv-land-cover

:earth_americas: Processing scripts for decision-tree land use classification on worldview 2 imagery
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"Failed to read XML file" #10

Closed 7yl4r closed 6 years ago

7yl4r commented 6 years ago

I think matlab is having trouble reading this particular met file?

{Error using xml2struct (line 12)
 Failed to read XML file
Error in wv2_processing (line 47)
 s = xml2struct(met);

I have tried passing the original xml file and the one created by pgc_ortho. Both have the same result. This could be just because I have restructured the dag into "wv2_classification".

I am going to run a few more files and see if this error pops up a lot or if it is unique to this one datetime.

7yl4r commented 6 years ago

This ought to start up one or two or 500:

MariaDB [imars_product_metadata]> UPDATE file SET status_id=3 WHERE product_id=11;
Query OK, 494 rows affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 494  Changed: 494  Warnings: 0
7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Ouch. :face_with_head_bandage: All the "new wv2 proc" jobs so far have failed. The majority of them for this reason. I cannot think of anything that has changed to cause this and am not sure how to move forward with debugging.

I need to verify that a previously working exec date is now failing. The dates that worked previously are shown in the tif files that were output:

MariaDB [imars_product_metadata]> SELECT date_time,filepath FROM file WHERE product_id=37 ORDER BY date_time;
| date_time           | filepath                                                             |
| 2014-02-18 16:34:17 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140218T163417.tif |
| 2014-02-28 17:05:49 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140228T170549.tif |
| 2014-02-28 17:05:55 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140228T170555.tif |
| 2014-03-01 16:29:12 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140301T162912.tif |
| 2014-03-01 16:29:26 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140301T162926.tif |
| 2014-03-01 16:29:39 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140301T162939.tif |
| 2014-03-01 16:29:47 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140301T162947.tif |
| 2014-03-14 16:51:16 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140314T165116.tif |
| 2014-05-27 16:23:55 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140527T162355.tif |
| 2014-07-01 16:31:55 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140701T163155.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:17 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164117.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:19 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164119.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:23 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164123.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:26 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164126.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:38 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164138.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:44 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164144.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:53 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164153.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:41:59 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164159.tif |
| 2014-07-17 16:42:02 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20140717T164202.tif |
| 2014-10-04 16:26:09 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141004T162609.tif |
| 2014-10-04 16:26:13 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141004T162613.tif |
| 2014-10-04 16:26:16 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141004T162616.tif |
| 2014-10-04 16:26:19 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141004T162619.tif |
| 2014-10-17 16:47:20 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141017T164720.tif |
| 2014-10-17 16:47:22 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141017T164722.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:46 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163946.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:47 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163947.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:48 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163948.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:50 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163950.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:51 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163951.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:52 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163952.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:39:53 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T163953.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:40:02 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T164002.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:40:03 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T164003.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:40:05 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T164005.tif |
| 2014-12-13 16:40:06 | /srv/imars-objects/big_bend/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20141213T164006.tif |
| 2016-10-26 15:06:44 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20161026T150644.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:22 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163222.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:24 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163224.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:25 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163225.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:27 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163227.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:30 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163230.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:31 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163231.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:32 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163232.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:40 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163240.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:42 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163242.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:44 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163244.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:46 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163246.tif       |
| 2018-01-06 16:32:49 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180106T163249.tif       |
| 2018-02-24 14:54:16 | /srv/imars-objects/na/tif_r_rs_wv2/wv2_Rrs_20180224T145416.tif       |
50 rows in set (0.04 sec)
7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Yep. The log for the first one (2014-02-18 16:34:17) failed for this reason. I did indeed break it somehow.

7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Noted changes from previous working version:

  1. Previous passed the unaltered (by pgc_ortho) xml [ref]
  2. previous wrapped filename in single quotes rather than double.
7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Single & double quotes are different in matlab [ref]...