USF-IMARS / wv-land-cover

:earth_americas: Processing scripts for decision-tree land use classification on worldview 2 imagery
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Submit 3d-wetlands data to awesome-gee-community-datasets #39

Open 7yl4r opened 2 years ago

7yl4r commented 2 years ago

7yl4r commented 1 year ago

old email exchange:

from me:

Luis has inspired me by getting our 3d Wetlands project data into Google Earth Engine. There is a lot that can be done with the products in GEE and I am just starting to scratch the surface.

I would like to add the two image collections(the DEM and landcover classes) to this awesome-gee-community-datasets list. To do so I need to nail down details around the two datasets. I have copied the submission template for this list to a gdoc here so we can all edit it. Specifically I need help with:

  1. A description for each dataset.
  2. Is there a DOI for each dataset?
  3. How are we licensing each dataset? CC-BY would be my vote.
  4. Who all should be listed as "curators who helped" for each dataset?
  5. What citations would you like included for each dataset?

from FMK:

I think this is really a good idea.

I don't know that we have DOIs for our input datasets - I know we don't for the Maxar data (but we should ask Maxar how to acknowledge their data); don't know if the lidar data has DOIs.

Does google provide DOIs for data submitted that are new? I know how to get DOIs for documentation if we generate a description - basically through the Ocean Best Practices System.

I would ask Matt and Luis to see if they can document the land cover products; Jim would have to do that for the Lidar data. Don't think that has to be long.