USF-IMARS / wv-land-cover

:earth_americas: Processing scripts for decision-tree land use classification on worldview 2 imagery
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"Error 127 | Error in image warping" #7

Closed 7yl4r closed 6 years ago

7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Seeing this issue with pgc_ortho running on imars-airflow-12 and imars-airflow-13 but not imars-airflow-15 :

[2018-06-27 20:15:51,352] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:51,349] {} INFO - Running command: 
[2018-06-27 20:15:51,352] {} INFO - Subtask:         python /opt/imagery_utils/             -p 4326             -c ns             -t UInt16             -f GTiff             --no-pyramids             /srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_input/ /srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_ortho/ &&
[2018-06-27 20:15:51,352] {} INFO - Subtask:             [[ -s /srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_ortho/wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0_u16ns4326.tif ]]
[2018-06-27 20:15:51,354] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:51,354] {} INFO - Output:
[2018-06-27 20:15:53,432] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:53,431] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:53 INFO- Number of src images: 1
[2018-06-27 20:15:54,018] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:54,017] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:54 INFO- Number of incomplete tasks: 1
[2018-06-27 20:15:54,019] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:54,018] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:54 INFO- Submitting Tasks
[2018-06-27 20:15:54,333] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:54,333] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:54 INFO- Image: wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0.ntf
[2018-06-27 20:15:54,715] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:54,715] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:54 INFO- Working Dir: /srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_ortho
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,400] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,399] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Geographic extent: POLYGON ((-81.837222222221996 25.935,-81.643611111110999 25.911666666666999,-81.6425 25.761944444444001,-81.838055555555997 25.787777777778,-81.837222222221996 25.935))
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,402] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,401] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Projected extent: POLYGON ((-81.837222222221996 25.935,-81.643611111110999 25.911666666666999,-81.6425 25.761944444444001,-81.838055555555997 25.787777777778,-81.837222222221996 25.935))
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,402] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,401] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Centroid: POINT (-81.740100871372917 25.848942608832068)
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,402] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,401] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Original image size: 0.195012 x 0.147225, res: 0.000022112719 x 0.000020619689
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,413] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,412] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Warping Image
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,417] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,417] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 ERROR- Error found - Return Code = 127:  gdal_translate -of VRT "/srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_input/wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0.ntf" "/srv/imars-objects/airflow_tmp/proc_wv2_classification_na_20180106T163220_ortho/wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0_u16ns4326_raw.vrt"
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,419] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,418] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 ERROR- Error in image warping
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,419] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,418] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 ERROR- Final image not present
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,419] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,418] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 ERROR- Processing failed: wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0.ntf
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,425] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,424] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Total Processing Time: 0:00:05.090877
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,425] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,424] {} INFO - 
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,425] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,424] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 WARNING- Failed Image: wv02_19890607101112_fake0catalog0id0.ntf
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,425] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,424] {} INFO - 06-27-2018 20:15:59 INFO- Done
[2018-06-27 20:15:59,441] {} INFO - Subtask: [2018-06-27 20:15:59,439] {} INFO - Command exited with return code 1

It's probably something to do with the install or config of wv2-processing or pgc_ortho on those machines.

7yl4r commented 6 years ago

Translation: gdal is not installed Fix: yum install gdal

puppet fix coming soon.