USFS-PNW / Fia-Biosum-Manager

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OPTIMIZER: Automate process to load tables in gis_travel_times.accdb #219

Closed lbross closed 4 years ago

lbross commented 5 years ago

Tim created master travel_time and processing_sites tables with records from eight western states. A BioSum project only needs the records related to included plots. We hope to automate the process of loading the project-specific tables from the master tables.

The .accdb containing the master tables will be distributed in the db directory of the application install directory. The loading process will copy the applicable records in the project gis_travel_times.accdb.

The master and project-specific travel_time tables have the same schema. Tim is working on documentation for the processing_sites tables so that we can reconcile the master with the project-specific tables.

lbross commented 5 years ago

When loading the project tables from gis_travel_times_master.accdb, BioSum will look in the user's AppData folder for the gis_travel_times_master.accdb. BioSum will warn if gis_travel_times_master.accdb is missing and not begin the load process. gis_travel_times_master.accdb will get into user's AppData/FIABiosum directory one of the following ways:

  1. When BioSum starts up, it will look for gis_travel_times_master.accdb in the AppData folder. If the database is missing, it will look in the setup > FIABiosum folder for gis_travel_times_master.accdb. If it exists, Biosum will copy gis_travel_times_master.accdb to the AppData/FIABiosum folder. If it doesn't exist, the process will exit silently. The latter is the most likely scenario since this is a a new implementation.
  2. The analyst receives gis_travel_times_master.accdb from the BioSum administrator and saves it to the AppData/FIABiosum folder
jsfried commented 5 years ago

When referring to this database, especially in materials for distribution such as installation instructions, maybe we want to make the name more different from our existing master.mdb database in \db? i.e., refer to it as gis_travel_times_master.accdb?

lbross commented 4 years ago

Closing per @sloreno !