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TOOLS: Revisit display/calculations for user-edited inputs in Troubleshooter #268

Open lbross opened 2 years ago

lbross commented 2 years ago

Revisit user entered inputs (or user selected row from a loaded table such as a cut list or tree table or sample tree table). Diameter is hard coded when it should not be. @sorgtyler discovered that in addition to this, some of the source for the calculation references selected table row values and other parts source the user entered data. This needs to be resolved.

I suspect it would make more sense to have the option of COPYING inputs from the row to the text boxes on the lower part of the form (though obviously not all inputs get copied there) and then there is no ambiguity of what the calculate volume and biomass button does—it operates on the text boxes displayed there (which the user can edit) whether that is the default tree record, something the user has entered or something copied from the matrix above. For inputs that are not shown in these textboxes, it goes with hard coded defaults or with whatever was on the row (if the row was copied there). It would, however, be better (in an ideal world) if all input fields had a text box so that they can be seen, even if many of them will not be modified (or have any effect for PNW users).

See email 'Agenda for November 23 BioSum DEV call' for original contents and sample code from @sorgtyler. This request depends on the implementation of #262.