The costs are accounting for discounting (future costs are scaled down in today’s terms) but the future revenues are not being scaled down (no escalator term on the scenario_tree_species_diam_dollar_values.CHIP_VALUE but there needs to be (the chip revenue one). Lesley circulated an updated TREATMENT OPTIMIZER TABLE DEFINITIONS.docx for review.
Drue's code sample indicated that the wrong escalator is being used in the calculation. EnergyWoodRevenueCycle2Escalator should be OperatingCostsCycle2. Same for cycle 3-4. This needs to be fixed.
@druepdx will supply a test optimizer_results.db for the CWI project when these fixes are complete.
@jsfried: This one may have slipped through the cracks. It's still showing as unvalidated on the spreadsheet. Are you confident with Cat's results that this is fixed?
The costs are accounting for discounting (future costs are scaled down in today’s terms) but the future revenues are not being scaled down (no escalator term on the scenario_tree_species_diam_dollar_values.CHIP_VALUE but there needs to be (the chip revenue one). Lesley circulated an updated TREATMENT OPTIMIZER TABLE DEFINITIONS.docx for review.
Drue's code sample indicated that the wrong escalator is being used in the calculation. EnergyWoodRevenueCycle2Escalator should be OperatingCostsCycle2. Same for cycle 3-4. This needs to be fixed.
@druepdx will supply a test optimizer_results.db for the CWI project when these fixes are complete.