On 2024-03-20 while writing a metadata data dictionary record for the bird observation, I discovered observer initials RMD and RDM. RMD is R. MacDonald but there is no record of an observer name flying the ACP that could correspond to RDM (see excel file "2007-Present ACP Crew and Dates Table_Wilson.xlsx" or ACP report). Most likely a typo.
This effects the statistical estimation of observer effects and thus, temporal trends and density estimates. Will need to change and update QC process in ACPmapping.R and re-run model and maps.
From Julian email on 2024-03-21: Rob's full name is Robert D. MacDonald. His initials as observer should be RDM.
Thanks for catching and for reaching out for clarity.
On 2024-03-20 while writing a metadata data dictionary record for the bird observation, I discovered observer initials RMD and RDM. RMD is R. MacDonald but there is no record of an observer name flying the ACP that could correspond to RDM (see excel file "2007-Present ACP Crew and Dates Table_Wilson.xlsx" or ACP report). Most likely a typo.
This effects the statistical estimation of observer effects and thus, temporal trends and density estimates. Will need to change and update QC process in ACPmapping.R and re-run model and maps.