USGCRP / gcis-ontology

Ontology for the Global Change Information System
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role information in the tripelstore appears to be missing #123

Closed zednis closed 9 years ago

zednis commented 9 years ago

@bduggan @justgo129

When building my query on report chapter contributors I noticed that role labels/descriptions do not appear to be accessible via the endpoint.

Looking at the RDF of the lead author role at it appears there is both a dcterms:identifier and prov:label for the role instance.

NOTE - that should be rdfs:label and not prov:label, PROV-O did not define a new label property and suggested the use of rdfs:label

If you attempt to select a description of a role you get no results.

PREFIX dcterms: <>

SELECT ?description
  <> dcterms:identifier ?role 

If you do a describe on the instance you do not see any statements where the lead_author instance is the subject (no type information, labels, etc)


Is it possible that role information is not being imported into the triplestore?

zednis commented 9 years ago

To support the theory that role information is not being imported into the triplestore; the following query returns 0 results.

PREFIX prov: <>

  ?role a prov:Role .
bduggan commented 9 years ago

This will be fixed in the next release (when I run this script)