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Health Assessment Assets #379

Closed bakamine closed 7 years ago

bakamine commented 8 years ago

The figure images for the health assessment are currently stored as assets in GCIS (example). They should, instead, point to remote images we now have stored in S3. Bucket:

Naming convention:



c is the chapter n is the ordinal _s are sub-image index starting with “a”, “b”, etc

I'm told you should be able to use this as a starting point to script the operation:

lomky commented 8 years ago

@bakamine could I get access to the AWS account? I have no plans on changing anything in the S3, access will just allow me to test this more robustly.

amruelama commented 8 years ago

Referencing this issue to let you know I had been working on migrating PDF distributed reports from 'Assets' to manually (by adding URL). Some of them had Amazon AWS links as well - I didn't migrate those URLs. The most recent CCHHG (2016) report I uploaded is saved in Assets but needs to be in downloads. @bakamine I think it's good to store them directly on or Amazon AWS while we upload a file. This would reduce the time on uploading the files to downloads and then adding the URLs later to link them to the appropriate location. Do you think this approach is fine?

lomky commented 7 years ago

@bakamine there seems to be a missing asset in S3. We have a figure in chapter 'front-matter', but in the S3 figures start with Figure-0.1.png being the first figure in 'executive-summary', which the next chapter.

Did we miss adding that figure to the S3, and may I add it manually myself or is there a process?

lomky commented 7 years ago

Actually, there seem to be a few figures missing from the S3.

This is what I find when I walk through the 2016 Health Report Figures right now. bolded are not represented in the S3. I have not yet checked the sub-image files.

Chapter Generated S3 ID Figure ID Assets Link Note
front-matter Figure-F.1 understanding-the-exposure-pathway-diagrams Current Location Missing, No chapter represented.
executive-summary Figure-0.1 examples-of-climate-impacts-on-human-health Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.2 es-climate-change-and-health Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.3 es-projected-changes-in-deaths-in-us-cities-by-season Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.4 es-projected-change-in-temperature-ozone-and-ozone-related-premature-deaths-in-2030 Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.5 es-estimated-deaths-and-billion-dollar-losses-from-extreme-weather-events-in-the-u-s-2004-2013 Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.6 es-changes-in-lyme-disease-case-report-distribution Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.7 es-links-between-climate-change-water-quantity-and-quality-and-human-exposure-to-water-related-illness Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.8 es-farm-to-table Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.9 es-the-impact-of-climate-change-on-physical-mental-and-community-health Current Location
executive-summary Figure-0.10 es-determinants-of-vulnerability Current Location Just missing?
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.1 major-us-climate-trends Current Location
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.2 change-in-number-of-extreme-precipitation-events Current Location
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.3 projected-changes-in-temperature-and-precipitation-by-mid-century Current Location
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.4 projected-changes-in-hottest-coldest-and-wettest-driest-day-of-the-year Current Location
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.5 climate-change-and-health Current Location
climate-change-and-human-health Figure-1.6 sources-of-uncertainty Current Location
temperature-related-death-and-illness Figure-2.1 climate-change-and-health-extreme-heat Current Location
temperature-related-death-and-illness Figure-2.2 heat-related-deaths-during-the-1995-chicago-heat-wave Current Location
temperature-related-death-and-illness Figure-2.3 projected-changes-in-temperature-related-death-rates Current Location
temperature-related-death-and-illness Figure-2.4 projected-changes-in-deaths-in-us-cities-by-season Current Location
air-quality-impacts Figure-3.1 climate-change-and-health-outdoor-air-quality Current Location
air-quality-impacts Figure-3.2 projected-change-in-temperature-ozone-and-ozone-related-premature-deaths-in-2030 Current Location
air-quality-impacts Figure-3.3 projected-change-in-ozone-related-premature-deaths Current Location
air-quality-impacts Figure-3.4 ragweed-pollen-season-lengthens Current Location
extreme-events Figure-4.1 estimated-deaths-and-billion-dollar-losses-from-extreme-weather-events-in-the-us-2004-2013 Current Location
extreme-events Figure-4.2 climate-change-and-health-flooding Current Location
extreme-events Figure-4.3 hurricane-induced-flood-effects-in-eastern-and-central-united-states Current Location
extreme-events Figure-4.4 projected-increases-in-very-large-fires Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.1 climate-change-and-health-lyme-disease Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.2 changes-in-lyme-disease-case-report-distribution Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.3 life-cycle-of-blacklegged-ticks-ixodes-scapularis Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.4 projected-change-in-lyme-disease-onset-week Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.5 incidence-of-west-nile-neuroinvasive-disease-by-county-in-the-united-states Current Location
vectorborne-diseases Figure-5.6 climate-impacts-on-west-nile-virus-transmission Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.1 climate-change-and-health-vibrio Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.2 links-between-climate-change-water-quantity-and-quality-and-human-exposure-to-water-related-illness Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.3 locations-of-livestock-and-projections-of-heavy-precipitation Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.4 projections-of-vibrio-occurrence-and-abundance-in-chesapeake-bay Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.5 changes-in-suitable-coastal-vibrio-habitat-in-alaska Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.6 projected-changes-in-caribbean-gambierdiscus-species Current Location
water-related-illnesses Figure-6.7 projections-of-growth-of-alexandrium-in-puget-sound Current Location
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.1 farm-to-table Current Location Correctly in S3
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.2 climate-change-and-health-salmonella Current Location
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.3 seasonality-of-human-illnesses-associated-with-foodborne-pathogens Current Location
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.4 effects-of-carbon-dioxide-on-protein-and-minerals Current Location
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.5 mississippi-river-level-at-st-louis-missouri Current Location
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.1 low-water-conditions-on-mississippi-river Current Location Missing; Repeat ordinal 7.1 in GCIS?
food-safety-nutrition-and-distribution Figure-7.1 mycotoxin-in-corn Current Location Missing; Repeat ordinal 7.1 in GCIS?
mental-health-and-well-being Figure-8.1 climate-change-and-mental-health Current Location
mental-health-and-well-being Figure-8.2 the-impact-of-climate-change-on-physical-mental-and-community-health Current Location
populations-of-concern Figure-9.1 determinants-of-vulnerability Current Location
populations-of-concern Figure-9.2 intersection-of-social-determinants-of-health-and-vulnerability Current Location
populations-of-concern Figure-9.3 vulnerability-to-the-health-impacts-of-climate-change-at-different-lifestages Current Location
populations-of-concern Figure-9.4 mapping-social-vulnerability Current Location
populations-of-concern Figure-9.5 mapping-communities-vulnerable-to-heat-in-georgia Current Location
appendix-1--technical-support-document Figure-A1.1 scenarios-of-future-temperature-rise Current Location
appendix-1--technical-support-document Figure-A1.2 example-increasing-spatial-resolution-of-climate-models Current Location
appendix-1--technical-support-document Figure-A1.3 sensitivity-analysis-of-differences-in-modeling-approaches Current Location
appendix-1--technical-support-document Figure-A1.4 tsd-sources-of-uncertainty Current Location
lomky commented 7 years ago

SQL to adjust the file locations has been generated. Just waiting to hear from Andrew on the status of the 4 missing Figures. I will then run the SQL on dev to confirm everything changes over correctly before coordinating with @amruelama to make changes on Stage.

List of before & after links by Chapter & file ID

lomky commented 7 years ago

Discovered some new content #444 and a bug fixes #445.

Waiting for the last two figures to be put into the S3

lomky commented 7 years ago

Last images are in the S3. I'm planning on running a test update on dev tomorrow and the real one on stage directly after, if successful.

lomky commented 7 years ago

File locations successfully updated in stage, reported in the watch tab.

It looks like I come through as unknown, either because I was in the DB directly, or under the ops user? Either way, going to file a ticket to address that so it reports the SQL user who made the changes rather than unknown.

@amruelama will spot check the changes. This will be in production after the next content push.

lomky commented 7 years ago

Useful SQL query used to find all images and figures associated with a report, and their file info:

    NULL as fig_id,
    image.identifier as img_id,
    figure.chapter_identifier as chptr_id,
    figure.report_identifier as rpt_id,
    file.identifier as file_id,
    file.file as file_uri,
    file.location as file_loc
from figure 
join image_figure_map as if_map
    on figure.identifier = if_map.figure_identifier
join image 
    on if_map.image_identifier = image.identifier
join publication as pub
    on image.identifier = -> 'identifier'
join publication_file_map as pf_map
    on = pf_map.publication_id
join file
    on pf_map.file_identifier = file.identifier
    figure.report_identifier = 'usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016'
GROUP BY fig_id, img_id, chptr_id, rpt_id, file_id
    figure.identifier as fig_id,
    NULL as img_id,
    figure.chapter_identifier as chptr_id,
    figure.report_identifier as rpt_id,
    file.identifier as file_id,
    file.file as file_uri,
    file.location as file_loc
from figure 
join publication as pub
    on figure.identifier = -> 'identifier'
join publication_file_map as pf_map
    on = pf_map.publication_id
join file
    on pf_map.file_identifier = file.identifier
    figure.report_identifier = 'usgcrp-climate-human-health-assessment-2016'
GROUP BY fig_id, img_id, chptr_id, rpt_id, file_id
ORDER BY chptr_id ASC, img_id DESC, fig_id DESC;

NB: produces one false positive for a figure that was used in two reports. Not to be used for write queries.

amruelama commented 7 years ago

Content push is done and you should be able to see these changes on prod @lomky

lomky commented 7 years ago

@amruelama @bakamine I spot checked a dozen of them files across the chapters, both figure and image linked, and everything looks good to me!

Closing as complete! Hurray!