Travis pulls all the requirements.txt files, which are currently
--file=./catalog_harvest/requirements.txt --file=./usgs_rapid_release_gauges/requirements.txt --file=./woods_hole_obs_data/requirements.txt --file=./santa_cruz_obs_data/requirements.txt --file=./whoi_obs_data/requirements.txt
This results in the error:
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
326 - netcdf4 <=1.2.8
327 - pyaxiom >=1.2.0 -> pynco -> nco -> esmf -> hdf5 >=1.10.4,<
328 - pyaxiom >=1.2.0 -> pynco -> nco -> esmf -> libnetcdf >=4.6.2,<4.7.0a0
I'm guessing there are some out-of-date version specs in some of those requirements.txt that are no longer relevant...
Travis pulls all the requirements.txt files, which are currently
--file=./catalog_harvest/requirements.txt --file=./usgs_rapid_release_gauges/requirements.txt --file=./woods_hole_obs_data/requirements.txt --file=./santa_cruz_obs_data/requirements.txt --file=./whoi_obs_data/requirements.txt
This results in the error:
I'm guessing there are some out-of-date version specs in some of those requirements.txt that are no longer relevant...