USGS-R / drb-inland-salinity-ml

Code repo for Delaware River Basin machine learning models that predict inland salinity.
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Summarize jumps in land cover from FORE-SCE to NLCD transition #170

Open jds485 opened 2 years ago

jds485 commented 2 years ago

This issue is to document how many catchments have large jumps (> 5% proportion) for each land cover class.

Plot suggestions (might already exist)

msleckman commented 2 years ago

Initiated in branch msleckman/drb-inland-salinity-ml/review_lulc with starting point graph of diff between 2001 and 2000

Box plot of change between 2000 and 2001 tbd.

msleckman commented 2 years ago

Reviewed a couple different plots for this issue which can be viewed in full in the (plots don't render when pushed to github for some reason but hoping to resolve this soon).

Showing one of the plot here, but there are others in the md (forked branch here)

The boxplot below shows the distribution of proportions across all lc categories at the catchment level. When nested between adjacent years 1990 and 2008, we can better capture the difference. Generally 2001 and 2008 actually show greater mean similarity compared to 2000 and 2001. Vis versa, 1990 and 2000 show to be more similar. This is most likely due to the discrepancy between NLCD and FORESCE. We also notice across all proportion values that there are many outliers above the mean, is this a concern? I'd say it is expected that some catchments are fully covered by one lc class, so the outliers are not unexpected in my view given that our range is 0 to 1.


Moving forward, would it be preferred to only select either2000 or 2001 as a interval year to take forward. Any other ideas on how to handle this? @jds485 would be interested in your thoughts and please let me know if you have other questions.