USGS-R / gsplot

plotting foundation for timeseries reporting
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Additional axes can inherit lazy eval'd ticks #436

Open jiwalker-usgs opened 7 years ago

jiwalker-usgs commented 7 years ago

As in this example

x <- seq(as.Date("2013-01-22"), as.Date("2013-10-02"), "days")
y <- rnorm(length(x), 71, 19)
gs <- gsplot() %>%
  points(x, y) %>%
  date_axis(side=1, pos.lab="interval","month","month") %>%
  axis(side=c(3,4), labels = FALSE) %>%

The ticks on side 3 should match up with side 1, but currently the ticks are determined at print-time, so side 3 inherits the auto ticks for the predetermined limits.

lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

Only happening w/ date_axis. Saving for later since it doesn't impact repgen