USGS-R / mda.lakes

Wisconsin Lake Modeling Aggregation
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[2015-09-14] How much overlap do we have with all drainage lakes? #76

Open lawinslow opened 9 years ago

lawinslow commented 9 years ago

Here is the breakdown:

Overlap between Drainage and Managed

Lake Set Number
Managed Lakes 2492
Drainage Lakes > 5* acres 3842
Intersection 1369
Drainage lakes not in Managed lakes 2473

But do we have the data necessary?

Number of drainage lakes for which we already have the given parameters

Parameter Number
Kd of some sort (sat or in-situ) 2528
No Zmax 1417

We are definitely missing a lot. The biggest problem would obviously be Zmax, though I wonder how many are in the database that we didn't grab (we were grabbing those data more selectively).

*personal communication with Matthew D.