USGS-R / wateRuse_swuds

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Add timeseries plot to app #29

Closed ldecicco-USGS closed 5 years ago

ldecicco-USGS commented 5 years ago

Took out all the filter functions, we'll use dplyr or base. Added Gary's function to the app:


lintr-bot commented 5 years ago

inst/shiny/get_data.R:29:30: style: Commas should always have a space after.


inst/shiny/server.R:20:44: style: Opening curly braces should never go on their own line and should always be followed by a new line.

​  output$show_table <- DT::renderDataTable({    

inst/shiny/server.R:28:32: style: Only use double-quotes.

​                  extensions = 'Buttons',

inst/shiny/server.R:33:23: style: Commas should always have a space after.

​  source("get_data.R",local=TRUE)$value

inst/shiny/server.R:33:28: style: Put spaces around all infix operators.

​  source("get_data.R",local=TRUE)$value

inst/shiny/server.R:39:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    updateSelectInput(session, "sites", choices = unique(melted_data()$FROM_SITE_NO))

inst/shiny/server.R:48:7: style: Place a space before left parenthesis, except in a function call.

​    if(input$sites != "All"){

inst/shiny/ui.R:8:34: style: Only use double-quotes.

​                            id = 'close',

inst/shiny/ui.R:11:34: style: Put spaces around all infix operators.

​                            style='color: #000000; 

inst/shiny/ui.R:11:35: style: Only use double-quotes.

​                            style='color: #000000; 

inst/shiny/ui.R:13:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                            onclick = "setTimeout(function(){window.close();},500);",  # close browser

inst/shiny/ui.R:19:54: style: Commas should always have a space after.

​    fileInput("dataPOP", "Load Population Data File",multiple = FALSE),

inst/shiny/ui.R:20:54: style: Commas should always have a space after.

​    fileInput("dataQUANT", "Load Quantity Data File",multiple = FALSE),

inst/shiny/ui.R:30:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​             href = "")

inst/shiny/ui.R:38:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(leaflet::leafletOutput("mymap",height = "500px"))

inst/shiny/ui.R:38:79: style: Commas should always have a space after.

​                  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(leaflet::leafletOutput("mymap",height = "500px"))

inst/shiny/ui.R:42:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​                  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('show_table'))

inst/shiny/ui.R:42:68: style: Only use double-quotes.

​                  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('show_table'))

inst/shiny/ui.R:44:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​         tabPanel(title = tagList("Monthly Timeseries", shiny::icon("bar-chart")),

inst/shiny/ui.R:46:59: style: Only use double-quotes.

​                  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(plotOutput('monthly_timeseries'))

inst/shiny/ui.R:51:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​    column(1, HTML('<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="300" height="75"><path id="USGS" d="m234.95 15.44v85.037c0 17.938-10.132 36.871-40.691 36.871-27.569 0-40.859-14.281-40.859-36.871v-85.04h25.08v83.377c0 14.783 6.311 20.593 15.447 20.593 10.959 0 15.943-7.307 15.943-20.593v-83.377h25.08m40.79 121.91c-31.058 0-36.871-18.27-35.542-39.03h25.078c0 11.462 0.5 21.092 14.282 21.092 8.472 0 12.62-5.482 12.62-13.618 0-21.592-50.486-22.922-50.486-58.631 0-18.769 8.968-33.715 39.525-33.715 24.42 0 36.543 10.963 34.883 36.043h-24.419c0-8.974-1.492-18.106-11.627-18.106-8.136 0-12.953 4.486-12.953 12.787 0 22.757 50.493 20.763 50.493 58.465 0 31.06-22.75 34.72-41.85 34.72m168.6 0c-31.06 0-36.871-18.27-35.539-39.03h25.075c0 11.462 0.502 21.092 14.285 21.092 8.475 0 12.625-5.482 12.625-13.618 0-21.592-50.494-22.922-50.494-58.631 0-18.769 8.969-33.715 39.531-33.715 24.412 0 36.536 10.963 34.875 36.043h-24.412c0-8.974-1.494-18.106-11.625-18.106-8.144 0-12.955 4.486-12.955 12.787 0 22.757 50.486 20.763 50.486 58.465 0 31.06-22.75 34.72-41.85 34.72m-79.89-46.684h14.76v26.461l-1.229 0.454c-3.816 1.332-8.301 2.327-12.453 2.327-14.287 0-17.943-6.645-17.943-44.177 0-23.256 0-44.348 15.615-44.348 12.146 0 14.711 8.198 14.933 18.107h24.981c0.198-23.271-14.789-36.043-38.42-36.043-41.021 0-42.52 30.724-42.52 60.954 0 45.507 4.938 63.167 47.12 63.167 9.784 0 25.36-2.211 32.554-4.18 0.436-0.115 1.212-0.596 1.212-1.216v-59.598h-38.612v18.09" style="fill:rgb(40%,40%,40%); fill-opacity: 0.3" transform="scale(0.5)"/>

inst/shiny/ui.R:52:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​  <path id="waves" d="m48.736 55.595l0.419 0.403c11.752 9.844 24.431 8.886 34.092 2.464 6.088-4.049 33.633-22.367 49.202-32.718v-10.344h-116.03v27.309c7.071-1.224 18.47-0.022 32.316 12.886m43.651 45.425l-13.705-13.142c-1.926-1.753-3.571-3.04-3.927-3.313-11.204-7.867-21.646-5.476-26.149-3.802-1.362 0.544-2.665 1.287-3.586 1.869l-28.602 19.13v34.666h116.03v-24.95c-2.55 1.62-18.27 10.12-40.063-10.46m-44.677-42.322c-0.619-0.578-1.304-1.194-1.915-1.698-13.702-10.6-26.646-5.409-29.376-4.116v11.931l6.714-4.523s10.346-7.674 26.446 0.195l-1.869-1.789m16.028 15.409c-0.603-0.534-1.214-1.083-1.823-1.664-12.157-10.285-23.908-7.67-28.781-5.864-1.382 0.554-2.7 1.303-3.629 1.887l-13.086 8.754v12.288l21.888-14.748s10.228-7.589 26.166 0.054l-0.735-0.707m68.722 12.865c-4.563 3.078-9.203 6.203-11.048 7.441-4.128 2.765-13.678 9.614-29.577 2.015l1.869 1.797c0.699 0.63 1.554 1.362 2.481 2.077 11.418 8.53 23.62 7.303 32.769 1.243 1.267-0.838 2.424-1.609 3.507-2.334v-12.234m0-24.61c-10.02 6.738-23.546 15.833-26.085 17.536-4.127 2.765-13.82 9.708-29.379 2.273l1.804 1.729c0.205 0.19 0.409 0.375 0.612 0.571l-0.01 0.01 0.01-0.01c12.079 10.22 25.379 8.657 34.501 2.563 5.146-3.436 12.461-8.38 18.548-12.507l-0.01-12.165m0-24.481c-14.452 9.682-38.162 25.568-41.031 27.493-4.162 2.789-13.974 9.836-29.335 2.5l1.864 1.796c1.111 1.004 2.605 2.259 4.192 3.295 10.632 6.792 21.759 5.591 30.817-0.455 6.512-4.351 22.528-14.998 33.493-22.285v-12.344" style="fill:rgb(40%,40%,40%); fill-opacity: 0.3" transform="scale(0.5)"/></svg>')

inst/shiny/ui.R:56:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​           h5("This software is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), an agency of the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the official USGS copyright policy at

inst/shiny/ui.R:57:1: style: Lines should not be more than 80 characters.

​              Although this software program has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

R/time_series_site_monthly.R:15:61: style: Opening curly braces should never go on their own line and should always be followed by a new line.

​time_series_site_monthly <- function(s_wuds, FROM_SITE_NUM) { 
codecov-io commented 5 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #29 into master will increase coverage by 4.48%. The diff coverage is 0%.

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master      #29      +/-   ##
+ Coverage   26.63%   31.12%   +4.48%     
  Files          19        9      -10     
  Lines         229      196      -33     
  Hits           61       61              
+ Misses        168      135      -33