USGS-VIZLAB / active-flood-viz

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create example data inputs for FV-13 #3

Open jordansread opened 7 years ago

jordansread commented 7 years ago
lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

# bounding box based on National Weather Service Des Moines, IA 
# County Warning Area (DMX CWA), map of major flooding (Fig 6 in this 
# report:
# Also included Cedar Rapids which is not in the DMX CWA.
ia_flooding_bbox <- c(-94.294625, 41.015733, -91.424186, 43.102420)

# According to the report from above, heavy rainfall fell from late May
# into early June causing the flooding.
ia_flooding_start <- "2008-05-20"
ia_flooding_end <- "2008-07-05"

# find NWIS site ids for stream sites with streamflow data
ia_flooding_sites <- whatNWISsites(bBox=ia_flooding_bbox)
sites_fv <- ia_flooding_sites %>%
  filter(site_tp_cd == "ST") # only stream sites
sites_fv_q <- whatNWISdata(sites_fv$site_no) %>% 
  filter(parm_cd == "00060")

# get streamflow data for these sites
ia_q <- readNWISuv(sites_fv_q$site_no, 
                   parameterCd = "00060", 
                   startDate = ia_flooding_start, 
                   endDate = ia_flooding_end) %>% 

# add month and day numeric columns
ia_q_md <- ia_q %>% 
  mutate(month_nu = as.numeric(format(dateTime, "%m")),
         day_nu = as.numeric(format(dateTime, "%d")))

# get stats to compare if how high above "normal" floods
# during the selected time period were
# 10 limit query for stat service
req_index <- seq(1,nrow(sites_fv_q),by=10)
sites_fv_q_stat <- data.frame()
for(i in req_index) {
  sites_fv_q_10 <- sites_fv_q$site_no[i:(i+9)]
  current_sites <- readNWISstat(siteNumbers = sites_fv_q_10,
                               parameterCd = "00060", 
                               statReportType = "daily",
                               statType = c("p50","p75","p90","mean"),
                               startDate = ia_flooding_start,
                               endDate = ia_flooding_end)
  sites_fv_q_stat <- rbind(sites_fv_q_stat, current_sites)

# join the stats w/ the actual flow data
ia_q_stat <- left_join(ia_q_md, sites_fv_q_stat)

# add columns to compare the observed streamflow to the stat
ia_q_compare <- ia_q_stat %>% mutate(`is>mean` = Flow_Inst > mean_va,
                                     `is>p50` = Flow_Inst > p50_va,
                                     `is>p75` = Flow_Inst > p75_va,
                                     `is>p90` = Flow_Inst > p90_va) %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
  # consider the flow "very high" if it's above 75 or 90th percentiles
  mutate(vhigh = all(`is>p75`, `is>p90`, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(vhigh) # keep only the ones that are "very high"

# summarize each site number by how many "very high" days of flow 
# it had during the selected time period
ia_q_compare_sum <- ia_q_compare %>% 
  group_by(site_no) %>% 
  summarize(ndays_vhigh = n()) %>% 

# keep only the upper half of sites with very high flow
ia_q_select_high <- head(ia_q_compare_sum, round(nrow(ia_q_compare_sum)/2, digits=0))
ia_q_select_ids <- ia_q_select_high$site_no

# filter the data by those sites to see a simple grid of hydrographs
ia_q_select <- ia_q %>% filter(site_no %in% ia_q_select_ids)

# simple hydrograph plotting to show that time period
# appropriately captured length of flood
ia_flooding_hydrograph <- ggplot(ia_q_select, aes(dateTime, Flow_Inst)) +
  geom_point(size=0.5) + 
  facet_wrap(~site_no, scales="free_y")
lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

rough hydrographs created at end to verify that the start/end dates were appropriate:


jordansread commented 7 years ago

great work @lindsaycarr

jordansread commented 7 years ago

@lindsaycarr can you adjust your code to output the site ids as strings (the look to be numeric, so the leading zero gets dropped)?

lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

@jread-usgs just ran this code and values in ia_q_select$site_no are character. Where are you seeing potential numerics with dropped leading zeros?

jordansread commented 7 years ago

in the file you uploaded to the JIRA, the strings should probably be quoted so they aren't dropped by excel or other readers.

lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

Ah OK, yes. Will update that momentarily

lindsayplatt commented 7 years ago

New CSV file is attached to the ticket now.