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MSE: switching from manual entry to multi-edits #193

Closed mbreitmun closed 7 years ago

mbreitmun commented 7 years ago

I entered a site manually and saved it successfully. Then, within the same project, I chose multi-edits and copy-pasted in from the MSE spreadsheet (from sites I previously successfully entered and saved from a different test). They paste and look fine. When I try to save I get "Error updating site 0 of [X]" message. I tried different sites and different numbers of sites, but keep on getting an error.

This is my first github post -if I'm missing anything etiquette or otherwise -let me know! -Molly


mbreitmun commented 7 years ago

After exiting to the Home page after a few save attempts, I selected the project again from the project name list: each site that I entered had actually been saved, so instead of the 4 I originally intended, 8 sites total were saved with my multiple attempts of copy and pasting more individual sites.

troddick commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure. I encountered this once, while debugging and saw the same error. When I tried again to dig in to see how I can fix the code, I couldn't recreate the issue. I copied 4 sites from the MSE and pasted them at the bottom and it all saved just fine. Strange. I will keep this open and try again later.