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StreamStats REST Services
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Edit states.json to accommodate DRB updates #80

Closed amedenblik closed 1 year ago

amedenblik commented 1 year ago

The DRB region is being edited to fix errors.

Currently, the code considers "DRB" and "CRB" to be "excludedcodes." When you try to delineate in an "excludedcode" region, the code looks at the states.json file and identifies the state in which the delineation point is located. The code then uses that state's StreamStats. The state options for DRB are NY, PA, DE, and NJ.

Pete Steeves has developed a new system for DRB. We need to edit states.json to include polygons he has provided for NJ, DE, and PA instead of the existing polygons for NY, PA, DE, and NJ.

For future reference, here is the full info:

"I've made all the modifications needed for the DRB update/fix. The project will be broken up into 3 regions: A NJ region, a PA region and a DE region. The boundaries are portions of HUCs and the Delaware River itself. Here's what is on dev now:

Global.gdb includes 3 additional feature datasets, each with its own State-centric projection and each with just one feature class, which is the footprint for the given state/region. For example, the NJ feature dataset is named "NJ_prj" and has one feature class named "NJ_area". Andrea and Harper will need these footprint layers for the web services. John will likely need them too for sshydro and batch.

Global.gdb also contains an updated exclusion poly ("exclude_polys") which now includes an exclusion of the Delaware River from the NY border down (as an FYI, Marla Stuckey explained that DRB equations are not accurate on the Delaware River south of the NY border. I'm not sure how this key point slipped through the cracks in the first iteration). That layer can be found in the standard "Layers" feature dataset.

There are now 3 "str900 grids": "de_str_drb", "nj_str_drb", and "pa_str_drb". These are in their own subfolders under bc_layers (FYI: I don't currenly have any of the basin characteristics on dev). There is also a zip file there for batch. That zip file also includes the 3 regions (as shapefiles), and a "README_FIRST" text file which explains for the user:

"The Delaware River Basin is broken up into 3 regions: a NJ region, a PA region (which includes the NY portion and a small area of NJ) and a DE region (which include a part of PA). Each region has its own shapefile in this folder ("NJ_area", "PA_area" and "DE_area"). Each region also has its own stream raster, which can be found in the subdirectories "de10000_strgrid", "nj9688_strgrid" and "pa_strgrid". Depending on what area you have batch points for will depend on which grid you snap them to. The batch tools will take care of the rest.""